WIFI Slow again

I tested my WIFI 3 times and 12.1 MGBS Download is best I got out of the 3. And 3.1 MGBS UPLOAD.
I just paid my $226.00 bill for the month which is VERY HIGH but I was told I should be getting at least 30 MGBS and I’m No where near that every time I test my WIFI . This is an on going problem and I’m Sick of it. If is was at 20 MGBS that would be an improvement but it never is.
This needs to be repaired now or I will go back to HughesNet for a quarter of the price and a lot faster WIFI then 15 MGBS. Plus there advertising that they just sent up an new satellite for faster rural speeds.
I’m not going to sit at my desktop when ever I want to go on-line,
Re-Boot it you end again. I’m sick of this. And I’m sure, so are you?
I did reboot my modem as you asked and this is what I still get.
Matthew Kazmierski




12.1 Mbps



Hi @kidkaz,

I’m sorry to hear about this bad experience.

I can indeed see the tests you ran using our SpeedCheck app, thank you for using it, it helps us gather enough information to understand how your network is behaving.

From my analysis it seems like your issue is limited to your Wi-FI signal, here is an example:

This is one of your latest tests, the one you mentioned in your post. As you can see, the speeds on your modem are 50Mbps, which means that Viasat is actually providing that speed for you, but you are getting just 12Mbps on your device, which means that the bottleneck is the Wi-Fi and not your service.

Could you please run a speed test with an ethernet cable connected directly to your modem so we can test that?

Also, could you provide me with some more information about your setup? Do you use just the Viasat Modem or do you have a third-party router/repeater, etc?

Thank you,

This is WIFI provably 10 feet away from my Modem. 12.2 Download and 3.6 Upload This is a Joke. You expect me to sit at my desktop with a cord then it runs good. Is that your thinking? Not mine, for $226.00 a month I better be able to go outside with my laptop this needs to be fixed or I want money off my bill because you can’t advertise that you have WIFI because ever time I complain to you about this you always say,
“Hook it up to the Modem” I WANT WIFI at a speed that I’m paying over $200 dollars a month for. That’s why I dumped HughesNet.
FIX IT or take money off my bill you sure don’t hesitate taking my money every month so figure out why this WIFI don’t work for crap. Last time when you Re-booted it from your side that worked for a while , little more then a week Maybe, figure out why it worked then but did not last? You think?














For public knowledge, customer’s issue is being worked on: SLOW and Expensive