Terrible service

My internet is slow and drops sometimes. This is terrible and trying to navigate through this forum sucks too. Why can’t I just talk to a real person. I am wasting time trying to use your internet and placing these issues.

Hi, @sbusergc,

You can try calling this number if you prefer to talk to a customer care agent: 855-463-9333

In the meantime, we can help you here too. Could you give me more details on the issue?

When did it start to happen?

I’m going to check your equipment and service to see what might be the problem.

It has been from the very beginning. We have had your service for just a short time. The Techs were trying to find a spot on my property that had the best view of the satellite as there are many trees in my area.

Hi, @sbusergc,

Apparently, it’s everything ok with the antenna. Please, run a speed test from your modem, as described here: How to run a speed test from my modem? - Slow Speeds - Viasat Support Forum

Basically, you’ll need to use the Viasat browser, go to our speed check app, log in with your My Viasat credentials, and then run the test.

You can send me a screenshot of the result. The idea of doing that test is to check for Wi-Fi issues.

Hi, @sbusergc,

Did you have a chance to run the speed tests?

Yes I did and speed is terrible. 3.6 download and 1.73 upload. You need to do something about this. Your tech on the phone got us up to 10.4 for a day, then back to terrible.

Hi, @sbusergc,

We need to check the speeds from your modem, to check for Wi-Fi issues.

When you have a chance, could you run the test as described here:

If you have any issues running the test from the modem, please let us know.

I can’t figure out how to allow popups to the speedcheck site so I can’t continue. I got to my settings all the way to POPUPS and Redirect page and entered what I think is the site address Speedcheck.viasat.com and added it but it still won’t allow me to open the Speedcheck site.

Hi, @sbusergc,

Could you send us a screenshot of the error you’re seeing?

There should be no issue related to pop-ups in the speed check app.

Here is a quick demo of the process:

Here it is.

Hi, @sbusergc,

I see that you were using Google Chrome, right? Probably the ad blocker extension you have on Chrome is causing that.

Anyway, you need to use the Viasat browser to get the speeds from the modem, as I mentioned before.

Basically, you’ll need to use the Viasat browser, go to our speed check app, log in with your My Viasat credentials, and then run the test.

The Viasat browser also has an ad blocker, but the Viasat speed check app was added to its whitelist.

I downloaded the Viasat browser and made it my default browser. I don’t know how to tell if that is what is doing the search when I try to run the program. I also went to my settings and in Pop Ups and redirect entered what I thought was the proper website address but still no luck. When I try and make the Viasat browser my default browser it sends me to a settings page and asks all different questions to set it up and I don’t have any idea what to check.sb

Hi, @sbusergc,

So, you’re now having some problems opening or using the Viasat browser, that’s correct?

It’s not necessary to make the Viasat Browser your default browser. After installation, you should see somewhere the application shortcut like this

When you open the Viasat browser, what exactly is happening? Is it not loading the speed check app? Could you send us a screenshot of the error?

This website is useless, you cannot talk to Customer Service, only tech support. I know how to run speed tests, I know how to unplug my modem, this service is very inconsistent and EXPENSIVE.
I will be switching to a new service as soon as I test a few options.
False claims of SPEED and no recourse. I’ve tried several times to get better speeds.
VIASAT is awful and does not work in my area. I want a refund, but they hide behind the web and will not speak with you about their false claims.

Hi, @nhbayou,

Sorry for the bad experience. We’ll try our best to check what is the matter and fix it.

I saw you created a topic, please let’s focus the conversation there so it’s easier for us to keep track of the case.

This is the link for your topic: Slow Speeds August 30

Anderson, thank you for responding. Here is a screenshot from this morning. Not good at all. What is the problem? How do we fix this? I asked maybe a year ago(?) about getting someone out here to look at my installation because I wasn’t happy with the install and the performance. Viasat said I would have to pay a service fee. Why should I pay for that service call? Why should I pay for Viasat to diagnose their poor performance??

Why are you emailing me (see below)? I thought you just asked me to do all correspondence via the Forum?
Why are you asking me to download VIASAT browser?
Most companies insist I need to use Google Chrome for work, Microsoft 365, Teams, Zoom etc.
Viasat never told me when I signed up that I should download or use their browser for a better experience or for testing their service.
Why didn’t a support tech from Viasat ask me to Test my service on your browser the other times I called??
I want better service, or a refund for this past 6 months.
I do not want to jump thru Viasat hoops to troubleshoot their internet service.
Viasat won’t pay me for my time, but wants me to pay for their time to come out and fix my internet.
If I download the Viasat browser, test my service, send you the results, then what?
Will I be told to use your browser?

On Aug 31, 2023, at 9:25 AM, Anderson via Viasat - Support Forum notifications@viasat1.discoursemail.com wrote:

Hi, @nhbayou,

I saw you sent another test this morning, however we need to check the speeds from your modem to have a better understanding of the problem.

When you have a chance, please send us the results of a full diagnosis speed test, as follows:

1 - Open the Viasat browserthis test won’t work on other browsers;
2 - Go to this website: Viasat Speed Check | Home
3 - Log in using your My Viasat account
4 - Run the test
5 - Take a screenshot of the results
6 - Send me the results

Go to Viasat Forum or reply to this email to respond.

Please be aware that replying to this email will create a public post on the above-mentioned Viasat Forum topic.
To unsubscribe from these emails, click here.

Here is your speed test, from Viasat browser.
What is the diagnosis?
Let me guess…there is something wrong with my computer, or my applications, or my cookies, or my environment here, but Viasat is running fine??

Hi, @nhbayou,

If you receive a direct reply here in the forum you will be notified by email too. You can adjust that configuration on your profile page.

Why are you asking me to download VIASAT browser?

I’m just asking you to do that because the speed test from your modem can only be done with the Viasat browser.

It’s not mandatory for regular use, it’s just needed for that particular use case.

Why didn’t a support tech from Viasat ask me to Test my service on your browser the other times I called??

Well, what I can say is that here in the forum our focus is to provide technical support. We are currently maintaining that speed check app, so usually we ask customers to take that full diagnosis test because it’s helpful for troubleshooting.

I know that’s probably a lot of steps, sorry for that. But, as I mentioned earlier, by doing the test and sending us the results, we can better troubleshoot the problem.

For instance, we can verify Wi-Fi issues with that test and take the appropriate measures to fix them.