Bad service, super slow speeds

We’ve been having very slow speeds over the past few weeks (not that it’s ever fast) and I’m just wondering why this is happening? Why is it worse than normal? Not to mention the price you charge for such bad service. We’ve complained many times and no one has ever really helped solve the problem. More and more I think satellite services are just a scam to get you to pay for more data or more speed from people who have no other option. At the moment, we could do better with a dial up modem. Not happy. Can’t wait to have a better option.


Hi @euphorbia123,

I’m really sorry to hear about the bad experience you’ve had with
the Viasat service.

We are going to take a look at your case and we’ll reach out
back to you soon here on this post.


Hi @euphorbia123,

I was taking a look at your case but I couldn’t identify the issue it.

To help me troubleshoot your case could you share with me a speed test
from your modem?

You can follow this tutorial: How to run a speed test from my modem?

Please notice that for us to get the most valuable pieces of information you have to use the Viasat Browser to run that test. You can download it here:

Thank you,