Very slow speeds last few months

I have been experiencing much slower speeds over the last few months than we usually get. Weather is normal. Could it be an issue with the satellite dish?

Could I get a technician to come out and check everything?

Hi @RanchWifi2449 ,

I’ve confirmed that your antenna seems to be mispointed. I will contact the field team to schedule a technician visit for you, so you should soon receive a call for that.


Great, thank you, Leonardo. If you can note on there for them to speak with Stephanie in my accounting office, that would be great. She can get that all set up for me.

Hi @RanchWifi2449,

I can see here that the technical visit was performed, how’s your service now?


Hi @RanchWifi2449

Our system no longer shows the antenna mispoint warning after your service call.
How has your connection been since then?

Please let us know if you need help with anything else :slight_smile: