Upload Speed is low

I ran a speed check, and my upload speeds are at 0.4, I have tried to restart and still arent very good speeds.

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Hi @tashira1212 ,

When you get a chance can you please run a complete speed diagnosis using https://speedcheck.viasat.com? This will help us get a full reading on the speed situation and allow us to identify/rule out Wi-Fi issues.

You can find instructions to run the test here: How to run a speed test from my modem?


Hello that’s how I ran the speed test the first time, i also did it again and the download speed was a 0.5 MBPS

Hi @tashira1212 ,

Thank you for confirming it. We’ve recently discovered an issue that is happening between modems such as yours and speed check which is causing us to not have access to the results. In either case, could you kindly answer a few questions about your setup?

  1. Were you far from the router? If so, could you please run another test closer to it and see if it improves the speeds?
  2. Were the tests run at the same period of the day or were they done in different periods? If they were run all during the same period of the day, could you run tests on another period and verify if the results are still low?
  3. Were you using the internet via Wi-Fi? If so, would it be possible to run a test with a laptop or desktop connected to the router via an ethernet cable and verify if anything changes?



Hello I actually right beside my router, the test was ran different parts of the day, and unfortunately im not able to hard wire my device to my router at the moment, I don’t have a ethernet port on my laptop, My other device is my work computer, and im unable to run it on that device because outside sited are blocked from that device

Hi @tashira1212 ,

I’ll escalate your issue to one of our internal teams. Once we have any updates we’ll follow up with you.


Hi @tashira1212

Has this issue been occurring for a long time, or did you only notice it recently? I see that you recently changed plans – did you notice a difference regarding the download vs upload speeds?

I ran a few tests on your modem just now:

Even though Viasat offers upload speeds only up to 3 Mbps, and a little fluctuation is to be expected (especially during peak busy periods), the difference between your high download speed VS your consistently low upload speed is still concerning.

We’ll let you know as soon as there’s an update to this issue. Sorry about the delay!

(PS: There was an error on our system, and we currently can’t see the results of any of your Speedchecks. Could you share them with us via screenshot or copy/paste, if you still have those? Thanks!)

Hi @tashira1212

It looks like the team we escalated to did some remote tweaking in your modem.

Could you check your speeds again whenever you have some time?

I ran a few tests on the modem just now, and things look better, but still a bit of fluctuation:

Hello I ran the speed test as requested, and still only got 0.4 for the upload speed

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Hi @tashira1212

Sorry about the slow reply.

A few minutes ago, a change was done to your current network configuration to try and raise upload speeds.

When you have time, could you please run another few speedchecks on your device?

Thank you!

Ive ran 2 speed test and they are still the same

Hi @tashira1212

Sorry about that. I think that might be my fault – I was also running quite a few tests on your modem after the last message, so your tests probably only got 1% of the internet connection’s availability :sweat_smile:

I got some great results, but it does seem to drop a bit every now and again:

Do you currently have lots of devices using the Wi-Fi?

Im still getting 0.5 for my upload and i just ran the test again, and no only about 4 devices that on wifi and on that hard wired which is my work computer

Hi @tashira1212

Are you running all the tests from your work computer? Do you happen to use a VPN when connected?

No im not running them from my work computer I cant because the website is blocked, im using my personal device and im only able to run it via WIFI because there is no ethernet port on my laptop

Hi @tashira1212

Could you try speedtest.net on your work computer or is that also blocked?

PS – Google also has an inbuilt test if you search “speed test”:

On my work computer mostly everything is blocked I’m a federal employee so we cannot use any sites other than what’s approved for working being that we are dealing with peoples personal information, and that’s that website I’ve been using the speed test.net

What band are you running with on the wifi? Is it 2.4ghz or 5ghz? I’ve noticed personally bad speed on the 2.4 band! Also do you have a external router you have paired with the viasat modem?

I’ve been using the 2.4 but I’ll switch over to the 5g, and I have no external devices just the via sat equipment