Very slow upload

Ive been having very slow upload speeds for several hours, between 0.34 and 0.36 mbps. I spent nearly an hour on the phone with tech support. He kept telling me everything looked fine on his end, he was seeing an upload speed of 3mbps, and seemed to doubt what I was telling him, said what I was seeing must be a problem with the speed testing site I was using (I used two, both saying the same thing), then said it was just congestion. I said congestion will reduce the speed by nearly a tenth of what I’m paying for, that the slow upload speed embarrassed me during an important online presentation I was doing for work, and I needed a solution. He kept telling me everything looked fine on his end, that he didnt know what to tell me, there was nothing more he could do, but could have a technician come out for $95. I said there was nobody at Viasat tech support that has more experience that could know what was happening, has seen this kind of thing before. He said no we all know the same amount. I’m hoping that’s not true and that someone here can help and explain this and find a solution. Thanks

Hi, @david76t9,

Thanks for your message.

I’m checking that now. Once I have some feedback I let you know.

Hi, @david76t9,

Are we experiencing that issue at this moment?

I saw that there was a short instability in the network on 22 and 23 Aug, during the morning. However, now apparently everything should be normal.

I’ll need your help to check your equipment: When you have a chance, please send us a speed test from your modem, as follows:

1 - Open the Viasat browserthis test won’t work on other browsers;
2 - Go to this website: Viasat Speed Check | Home
3 - Log in using your My Viasat account
4 - Run the test
5 - Download the results (or take a screenshot)
6 - Send me the results in a direct message

Right now it’s working fine and the viasat speed test agrees with the other two speed tests I used. This is especially frustrating/ unacceptable because I don’t know when it’s going to happen and it could happen in a very critical time when I’m on a video conference call, giving a presentation. Yesterday it happened for at least two hours during business hours. I will show a screenshot when it happens again. Is it true that congestion could cause my upload performance to go down 0.3 mbps?

It’s very unlikely that congestion in your service area could have caused such a bad UL speed.

However, some customers have issues with video calls using MS Team.

Is that issue during video calls frequent? Or you can usually communicate well?

Also, were you using a VPN when the problem happened?

It’s not common to be that slow (slide advance) but Im new to viasat, and yes my work computer uses vpn. That computer was off when I checked my speed on home computer, that’s when I saw 0.34-0.36 for at least an hour. DL was fine.

I agree on upload speeds. Mine is currently under 1mb. It’s consistently below 4-5mbs. These types of speeds do not support working from home. I was just approved for Starlink this week and will likely be switching as the uploads are much better with unlimited data at $120/month.

Hi @david76t9 ,

Can you try running the speed check, as my colleague Anderson explained earlier, both with the VPN and without it?
