Unleashed - Unacceptable

I have been a Viasat customer for a little over 5 years and to be honest I have not been over impressed with the performance at any time. However, due to the fact I live in a rural area there are very few options, especially if you have Direct TV. For years I was being, in my opinion, over charged for the level of service and consequently having to upgrading several times in order to get adequate speeds i am fed up. I was excited to hear that Viasat was offering an unlimited data plan for a reasonable rate. As the old cliché goes, if it seems to good to be true, it probably is. That is so accurate. I was not happy about paying $200 a month for 300 Gbs of data at least i had speeds that could handle the demand. WIth Unleashed i expected the same or similar speeds, however what i have experienced is nothing close to that. When i was paying for the second highest plan available i was getting close to 100Mbs speeds, since I transitioned to “Unleashed” according to my most recent test, I am back at below 15Mbs. Simply ridiculous. Hey Viasat there are several other providers offering much better performance at the same cost, maybe you should do some research on how they can accomplish this. As i read through this forum all i see are customers being disappointed in your service. Open you ears and get a solution. I will seriously be thinking about finding alternatives even if that means getting rid of my satellite. I work from home and need to be able to connect to video calls etc without having signal issues. How embarrassing is to loose connection while presenting to your Sr Director. I need solutions, not more surveys about what I think about your service. It appears to me that there are several voices telling you the same thing.


Hi @MKruer1 ,

I’m sorry about your experience.

Currently, I can see good speeds on your modem:

I noticed that you have performed some complete speeds diagnosis using https://speedcheck.viasat.com when you were on your previous plan. Could you please run again? This will help us get a full reading on the speed situation and allow us to identify/rule out Wi-Fi issues.

You can find the complete instructions on how to run it here: How to run a speed test from my modem?


I ran a speed test this morning that is why I was frustrated. When I ran it it said 8.9mbs download and between 2-4 mbs upload. I ran it on WiFi which is the whole purpose of WiFi. To be able to use the computer without a direct connection.

Hi @MKruer1 ,

Yes, but sometimes the WiFi connection might not be optimal, which can result in lower speeds due to factors like distance. This is why running a complete speed diagnosis is important—it helps us determine if your modem is receiving the expected speeds.

The speed test I ran was from the ViaSat browser. The laptop is approximately 50ft from the modem.

Hi @MKruer1 ,

There is no record of your recent speed test. Could you log in using your Viasat account and try again?

Also, is your modem being recognized by Speed Check?

Do I physically have to be connected to the modem via Ethernet cable?

And I am getting a message that the modem is not being detected

i connected to the modem with ethernet cable and ran another test. you should have the results now.

Hi @MKruer1 ,

You don’t have to physically connect them.

When you enter your modem page, using on a browser, do you get a error message about connection not being safe?

Hi @MKruer1

Do you happen to be running these Speedchecks from an Apple Device?

I recall on our last conversation, before you switched to Unleashed, that your results wouldn’t show up until you used an Android or Windows device.

I believe the same scenario applies here, as your results still don’t show up for us. :frowning:

Same thing here. I was skeptical about switching to “UNLEASHED” but did it anyway hoping it was possible to switch back but of course I can’t… I’m seriously considering going to Starlink. Especially if they don’t send me a new “modem” only. Not this gateway crap. I have my own router now hoping it would help with no of ale.

Hi @NDF3210

I’ve sent you a private message asking for more information on your technical issues, please let us know if you don’t receive it.

It would be great to be able to diagnose my issue as well. Like NDF3210 I am discouraged with the performance as well. Your process of working through these challenges via these threads. I would expect if you cannot resolve via these threads that someone contact the customer directly to help resolve. I would appreciate a phone call on Friday to try and work through what is driving my issues with my service

Hi @MKruer1 ,

Our last interaction was a request for you to run an advanced SpeedCheck. Are these instructions not working for you? How to run a complete speed diagnosis

The advanced check is important in order for us to verify every potential issue.


I have run several speed checks from your browser and apparently Viasat does not have record of them. This is the reason I requested a phone call. It is called “customer service!”. The fact that the Viasat team is relying solely on communications via a thread is absolutely ridiculous. I have been reporting this issue for years, fortunately for Viasat I am in a rural area in Missouri and internet providers are limited to satellite or cellular systems or I would have switched a long time ago. Like many threads I read on this forum the speeds that have provided with unleashed are incredibly slow and for those who work from home it is embarrassing to have constant interruptions when trying to perform video calls etc. I hoped that when this unlimited data plan was released we would retain the speeds that I was paying $200/mo. for before. I guess the old adage, “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.”, rings true here for sure.

Hi @MKruer1 ,

Your last two tests, which ran this morning, were recorded. From what I can see, your issue might be caused by bad Wi-Fi Signal, as your test shows:

The modem speeds are much higher than the device’s.

Within the Forum, we often recommend these 2 Router alternatives:

These are very good Routers and help amplify the Wi-Fi range and quality throughout an average-sized house.

Another point I’ve noticed is that your data usage is trending towards consistently more than a typical residential user on our network.

You may experience reduced priority during peak periods, resulting in slower speeds.

To avoid being deprioritized, please reduce your data usage.

I understand that this is not ideal, but I appreciate your understanding on the matter. If you’d still prefer to get phone support, you can call Customer Care for Residential Customers at 855-463-9333.
