Super slow speed

Download and upload speeds are less thashould be. Far, far less rending the internet virtually unusable. I have checked and rechecked the speed to no avail. What is going on?

Hi @Kris15felb56 ,

I noticed that your antenna has been mispointed for some time!

Are you able to self-repoint it using our Forum guide? Can I repoint my Viasat antenna on my own?

If a self-repoint doesn’t sound viable, then we can look into scheduling a technician visit to repoint your antenna and improve your experience.


If that is what is wrong I would be so relieved. Our roof had to be reroofed recently and the installers had to temporarily remove the dish and then replace it. It is possible it got out of line then. As my internet has been really sluggish for some time. I even called in via chat to fix it but no one pointed out what you saw.

I would prefer a tech to do it but that depends on cost. Is there a charge to have a tech fix it?


Hi @Kris15felb56 ,

I escalated the issue to the Field Operations team and requested a service call for you.

You can expect a call later today or tomorrow from them to schedule the appointment.

Since you have EasyCare this is free of charge!


Thank you!