Slow upload speeds 013

I have slow upload speeds always. I cant make calls. I assume this is why? Could somebody please advise me what to do.???

Hi, @Jesse_Barker,

Thanks for your message, and I’m sorry for the bad experience.

I’m checking that now, and once I have some updates I’ll let you know.

Hi, @Jesse_Barker,

Your antenna is mispointed. We’ll dispatch a technician to fix that.

The field team will call you to give more details and schedule the visit.

Do you know when this will be? Or is it something i can do?

Hi, @Jesse_Barker,

The request was escalated so the field team will call you soon. Unfortunately, I’m not sure about their availability.

If you want to consider repointing the antenna, please take a look at this article: Can I repoint my Viasat antenna on my own?

I can send you the install keys if you choose to give it a try.

Hi @Jesse_Barker

I noticed that you asked to cancel this service call on February 28th.

Your antenna is still badly mispointed and this is causing many offline events in your modem, resulting in a very degraded service.

Please let us know when you’d be available for another service call, or please request a service call with Customer Care agents at 855-463-9333.

These issues combined are not something our engineers can fix remotely. It’d be in our best interest to get a technician to fix these issues ASAP. :slight_smile: