Slower speed in last 2 weeks

I work from home. My speeds outcome is slower as the days come along. They are affecting my ability to perform my daily job. I had to turn away a bunch of clients because of how slow my speeds has become. It takes forever to go from one screen to the next. Today I couldn’t even get on ZOOM because of the low quality internet. The ZOOM video skips and it is very blurring. I am afraid I’m going to loose many more clients. When I initially signed up my issue was speed. The salesperson fixed that issue but never once told me I had a certain amount of Gigabytes per month. The salesperson did not represent the company well at all. This month which was our first month, we ran out of Gigabytes on the 10th of June and had to wait until the 20th of June to test again. This has become a major problem in the last 2 weeks. So when I recently called “the FIX” was to download the APP to control where the WiFi is being used the most and come to find out, It is asking to purchase a premium package to use that. The television is the worst. We sit here and twirl our thumbs. They constantly buffer. I thought I had finally found the right company. I live in a location where we are limited with internet services. I ran your test. Here are the results.

Hi @Gio,

Thanks for posting and sorry about this experience.

We can’t find the email address you used to create your forum account within our system. I will send you a private message so that you can verify your identity by providing either your Viasat Internet account number or the email associated to your account.



Hi @Gio,

Sorry about the slow reply. I looked at your account and everything seems healthy, but we can continue to troubleshoot to make sure we can improve your experience. It sounds like you are experiencing 2 separate issues:

  • Bad Zoom (video skips and is blurry)
  • Reaching data limit too fast

Some questions:

  • Bad Zoom: The speeds you shared with us are very good. Would you say that the issue is a delay (latency) in the audio/video in Zoom calls?
  • Reaching data limit too fast: Is it ok if we take a look at your usage data? That way we can identify issues and provide a recommendation to optimize.

Finally, could you please run a full diagnosis using and sharing the results with us? This will help us rule out speed/Wi-Fi issues. Here are some instructions to run the full diagnosis: How to run a speed test from my modem?

Thank you,


Both Video and Voice is terrible.

Yes, I was told as I said above to download an app but it has a cost just to simply check usage data. That is insane.

Hi @Gio,

Could you please run the Speed Check full diagnosis? You will need to be on the Viasat Browser and logged in with your My Viasat credentials.

The benefit of running the full diagnosis is that it gives us a lot more metrics to identify/rule-out Wi-Fi issues, satellite signal issues, etc. See this example of some full diagnosis results below:

About the app to track you data usage. They probably recommended Viasat Shield, that one should let you see the usage per device in the last 7 days. As far as I know the premium features let you pause/resume internet access in those devices.

I can run a report to look at your data usage and see if I find anything abnormal - and propose a solution or a recommendation in accordance. I just need your “ok” to run this report.



Hi @Gio,

This office hours add-on could be a potential solution for your data limit concerns: Viasat Office Hours. It secures unlimited priority data during working hours when using work-from-home apps.

But I think it would still be useful to take a look at your usage to provide an accurate recommendation.

