Slow speed even after upgrade, please help!

Upgraded to 100mps/300g but still getting very low speeds at peak time (less than 3mps) and only 50 mps max on not peak.

Hi @Tbriggs2020,

I’m sorry to hear about this bad experience you’ve had with the Viasat service.

I’ll take a look at your case and come back with updates soon.

Thank you,

Hi @Tbriggs2020 ,

Upon taking a look at our system I couldn’t find your account using the e-mail you registered with here in the forum.

I’ll send you a DM asking for the e-mail from your MyViasat account.

Thank you,

Hi @Tbriggs2020,

I was able to access your account, thank you for sharing it with me.

Can you run a few speed tests during the day so we can capture your
network behavior?

You can follow this tutorial: How to run a speed test from my modem?.

Please make sure to use the Viasat Browser and to be logged in to your MyViasat account so I can have access to your tests.

You can let me know once you’ve ran a few of them.

Thank you,

Hi @Tbriggs2020 ,

I can’t seem to find your results on our end, did you run the speed tests while using the Viasat Browser?

When you run the tests from the Viasat browser, we can see “Speed from your device” and most importantly “Speed from your modem”, like this example:

You can download the Viasat Browser here:

  • After you install the browser, you need to be logged in.
    • To do that, click “Login” in the upper right corner of the menu, as indicated in the picture below.
    • The credentials for this login are the same as the ones you use for My Viasat.


I know this is a bit more cumbersome than just running a normal test, but our tools are indicating good speeds from your modem today, so we’d like to make 100% sure of that by doing this complete speed diagnosis, and eliminating other factors. :slight_smile:



I do not see where you log in, my screen does not look like that pic.

Hi @Tbriggs2020 ,

The login is at the website.

You only have the mobile phone available to login?

In that case, on a smaller mobile screen, you can do it like this:

Click the hamburger menu,
Then “Login options” on the dropdown menu,

And click on “Customer Login”.

We can’t access those results, unfortunately. :frowning:

But when you’ve managed to do the full Modem + Device speed diagnosis using Viasat Browser and logged into, I can see your results history right away – just let me know when you finish the tests!

I do have a MAC, I just don’t use it that often now that I’m no longer in school (finished my masters program in june). but I’ll go on and just the speeds in the evening this week.

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Hello again @Tbriggs2020 !

As explained over private message :email:,
the network configuration we’ve made to your account is now in full effect.

From our end, your speeds look significantly better.

When you have the time, could you please run the complete speed diagnosis on using the Viasat Browser?

Thank you,


Like I said daytime good evening plumet, but I’ll take several through the day.

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screenshot from 1230

screenshot from 1:13pm

Hi @Tbriggs2020 ,

Your results show good speeds from your modem – either close to or over your max speed of 100Mbps, like we’re seeing on our end.

On the other hand, the device test fluctuates considerably.

Were you close to your modem when running all of these tests? Or were they run from different distances?

the modem is upstairs, but we have a story and a half so the room is open to the downstairs. maybe 50ft.

well maybe only 25… i’m not sure, up and over

Hi @Tbriggs2020 ,

Sorry about the late reply.

Your modem speeds are still good according to your tests (and ours too),

Could you try running the speed check while closer to the modem, and on the same floor?

That way, we can rule out the issue of distance.

Thank you!

Ok I’ll check over the next few days

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