SLOW, SLOW Internet

I have been with Viasat Since 2021. I had to have trees cut down and still I have never had good service. Even when my service restarts monthly I barely get signed on. Please can someone come and check my disc direction. Contact me by Text at ***(edited by moderators) with a date and time you can make a service call.

Hi, @bell2355,

Thanks for your message! I’ll investigate that now. Once I have more feedback I’ll let you know.

OBS: I took the liberty to remove the phone number from your first message since this is a public link

1 Like


When you have a chance, please run a modem speed test, as follows:

1 - Open the Viasat browser – this test won’t work on other browsers;
2 - Go to this website: Viasat Speed Check | Home
3 - Log in using your My Viasat account
4 - Run the test (wait for both tests - modem and device - to complete)

By following the above steps we’ll have access to the test results. These results will help us understand what is going on.

I did some checks and I’m seeing good speeds on your modem now. Also, the antenna seems to be ok.

Please let us know when you complete the tests.


Download 9.5
Upload 0.5

Hi, @bell2355,

I was not able to see the results. Did you try the steps I mentioned above? When you run the test as described above, we’ll have access to more data (so it’s easier to understand the issue).

Another question: do the bad speeds happen during the entire day or just in the evening?

If you have any trouble for running the test please let me know.


Ping 590 ms
Jitter 35 ms
Download 5.4
Upload 0.4

Allday long

Hello @bell2355

We unfortunately still can’t see any of your results. Are you running them on the Viasat Browser, logged in?

  • You can download the Viasat Browser here:
  • After you install the browser, you need to be logged in on
    • To do that, click “Login” in the upper right corner of the menu, as indicated in the picture below.
    • The credentials for this login are the same as the ones you use for MyViasat.


When you run the tests from the Viasat browser, we can see “Speed from your device” and most importantly “Speed from your modem”, which is greatly useful to identify discrepancies in the speeds, such as in this example below:

I know this is a bit more cumbersome than just running a normal test, but the complete diagnosis helps us eliminate other factors.

:exclamation: The Modem Speed Test is currently not compatible with iPhone/iOS devices.

I am not using the Viasat browser. Why do I was you switch to the VIASAT browser?

Hi @bell2355

You don’t have to switch to the Viasat Browser – it’s only required for the Speed Check tests.

When you run the tests from the Viasat browser, we can see “Speed from your device” and most importantly “Speed from your modem”, which is greatly useful to identify discrepancies in the speeds, such as in this example below:

If you run it from another browser, it’s the same as using a regular speed test such as OOKLA – you’ll only see what your device is receiving, so we can’t cross-check the speeds with the modem, and identify the issues.

Are you saying I have to download the Viasat browser to do the test.
I did the test with my browser and it is slow… So now what???

Yes, so we can cross-check your speeds with the modem speeds. For example, if your modem is showing good speeds on our end, but your devices show bad speeds when you’re close to the modem, we’d investigate a Wi-Fi issue.

  • You can download the Viasat Browser here:
  • After you install the browser, you need to be logged in on
    • To do that, click “Login” in the upper right corner of the menu, as indicated in the picture below.
    • The credentials for this login are the same as the ones you use for MyViasat.


When you run the tests from the Viasat browser, we can see “Speed from your device” and most importantly “Speed from your modem”, which is greatly useful to identify discrepancies in the speeds, such as in this example below:

I know this is a bit more cumbersome than just running a normal test, but the complete diagnosis helps us eliminate other factors.

:exclamation: The Modem Speed Test is currently not compatible with iPhone/iOS devices.

Without the Viasat Browser, we also have no access to your results. When you run SpeedCheck over the Viasat Browser, we can see all of your tests – no need for screenshots or copy/paste. :slight_smile:

I did the test with the Viasat browser. 31.1 Download 5.1 Uplaod

Speed it up and keep the Internet up and running.

  • Problem description: Slow speeds in both directions
  • What were you doing?: Browsing the internet (banking, shopping, etc)

This post was generated on SpeedCheck

Hi again @bell2355

Those are very good results, considering your plan is set at a maximum download speed of 12 Mbps – you’re getting a bit above that.

The first test you ran has a very good Device Speed, but for some reason, the Modem Speed test failed – that sometimes happens due to a fluctuation… But either way, your Device Speed was good.

However, I’d like to double-check some things about your second test result:

This one shows a Modem Speed of 36.50 Mbps, but a Device Speed of less than 50% of that.
While 16 Mbps is still a good speed for your plan, this could indicate a Wi-Fi issue.

When you ran both tests, were you at the exact same distance from the modem? Was your device closer or farther away on the second test?