Slow internet can’t stream

Your service sucks when it rains its terrible
I have the 150 MPs and 500g plan I never get to that speed on a good day and most days rain or shine it get maybe 50 MPs it never fails when I want to stream a movie it cuts out I get less the 15 MPs I’m f ing tired of it maybe I should go with star-link and it not the dish or the router I checked it it says all is good so it must be your service thanks for a high bill and slow service

No answer I question looking to starlink

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Hi @playworldman80 ,

unfortunately being affected by bad weather is one of the downsides of satellite internet in general.

Have you experienced slowness when the weather is good as well?


Yes it’s usually good in the daytime when at work but when come home and want to stream about 6 pm it’s slow in good weather or bad

I been read all the complaints about being slow it seems everyone has slow speeds I would say you don’t have enough servers or whatever you want call your service to provide these speeds when users are online but you want to charge to much for crappy service why do take on more then your service can handle then charge more then any other service around ??? You need to stand behind your words not say you have fast internet for your customers then you don’t come on you need to do better

Hi @playworldman80

Sorry for the slow reply. We’re trying to investigate your speeds during different periods of the day to check if there’s an underlying issue.

When you have time, can you run for us a complete speed diagnosis – at least one or two tests during the morning, afternoon, and evening? This will help us identify any inherent issue in either your individual account or your network segment.

Instructions for the test:

  • You can download the Viasat Browser here:
  • After you install the browser, you need to be logged in on
    • To do that, click “Login” in the upper right corner of the menu, as indicated in the picture below.
    • The credentials for this login are the same as the ones you use for MyViasat.


When you run the tests from the Viasat browser, we can see “Speed from your device” and most importantly “Speed from your modem”, which is greatly useful to identify discrepancies in the speeds, such as in this example below:

I know this is a bit more cumbersome than just running a normal test, but the complete diagnosis helps us eliminate other factors.

:exclamation: The Modem Speed Test is currently not compatible with iPhone/iOS devices. If you don’t have an Android mobile device, please run the test on a computer.

12 noon

I’ll post one at 6 pm

Hi @playworldman80

Did you run the test using the Viasat Browser, on a non-Apple device?
From your screenshot, I can only see the “Speed from your Device” results.

I don’t use a computer to stream it don’t stream movies or tv very well I use roku to stream not my phone it’s still slow and I should think you could test modem speed remotely from where you are . You just don’t want to admit your system is not able to keep up when more customers use it then it can handle

I’m currently downloading Viasat browser on my laptop then I’ll post results. It’s real slow

Hi @playworldman80 ,

We’re very sorry for missing your last replies! We haven’t dropped your case and we’ll still be looking into it. How’s your experience these last few days? Would you be able to run a few new tests just like that last one?


No just speed tests it’s still slow

Hi @playworldman80 ,

Could you kindly run two new advanced speed checks, one in the morning and one in the evening? I’m trying to rule out a few problems and these tests would help me in doing so.


I don’t have tie to keep testing and testing I’m just gonna let it go then when contract runs out I’m going starlink

Hi @playworldman80 ,

we’re sorry for the inconvenience of running multiple tests but this is the only way that we can verify your network behavior during different periods of the day when looking from your end.

If you change your mind and want us to support you with this once more, don’t hesitate to let us know and we’ll be more than happy to help.
