SLOOWWW speed with upgrade

I just upgraded my plan for faster speed. I just tested my speed & it is only at 42 when it should be at 75. If I cannot get the speed I purchased, please refund my money. Can’t even run the TV with my laptop, it’s extremely frustrating. Please advise & yes I have already unplugged & rebooted.

Hi, @jenncorr28,

Thanks for your message! I’ll check that now, and when I have some feedback I’ll let you know.

Hi, @jenncorr28,

Your antenna is mispointed. I’ll request a technician to fix that.

The field team will get in contact with you to provide more details.

I’ll send you a direct message so you can confirm your contact information.


Hi, @jenncorr28,

The field team tried to call you and also sent you an email. Did you see their message/calls?

Hi, @jenncorr28,

I noticed that you changed the plan, and the speeds are good now.

If you find any issues, please feel free to post a new message in a new forum topic.
