Overcharging every month

The plan you forced me into states 69.99usd/month. What causes it to be 96usd and change each and every month? This and being throttled to dial up speeds has been so far beyond annoying that my service is cancelled by me as of tomorrow 6/11/2024. Autopay will be cancelled well before the close of business on above date.

Hi @LostLk2Hi

Regarding the pricing of your plan –
With your permission, we can go over your invoices via private message and do a breakdown of its items and prices.

Regarding the speeds –
Could you run for us a few Speedchecks, whenever you have the time? I couldn’t find any results attached to your modem.

You can follow these instructions (let us know if you experience any trouble while doing so): How to run a complete speed diagnosis?

Thank you!

Hi @LostLk2Hi,

It looks like your modem is offline. I see that in a previous conversation you said you would try to self-repoint your antenna, did you try it?

Hi @LostLk2Hi,

I see you mentioned this below, but just a heads up, I can’t see a disconnect request on our system. Did you call customer care?