Offline modem for 10 days - Outage?

Hi @Claudia_Mtz,

I created this topic to keep track of the issue you reported in this post: Modem feels really hot - #5 by Claudia_Mtz

I am investigating the root cause, but based on my analysis so far, I don’t think this is an outage. I see that you called yesterday but they didn’t offer to send a technician yet, did they? I will go ahead and request a technician visit for you.

Did they tell you this was an outage over the phone? Or did you see that on the My Viasat app?




  • Is your modem light ON? If so, what’s the color?
  • Did you check that the coax cable (cable that comes from the antenna) is properly connected to the back of your modem?
  • Did you try to manually reset your modem?

I just confirmed that there is no outage, so I figured doing the basic troubleshooting could help.

Hi @Claudia_Mtz ,

I saw that your tech visit scheduled for October 12 was canceled, as the team couldn’t reach you on October 11 to confirm it.

I also found your request for Disconnection on October 3 – will you be moving forward with the disconnection from Viasat, or may I ask the team to reschedule this tech visit? As your modem is still offline.

We apologize for all the inconvenience this issue has caused and hope to hear back from you.