No tech available

Our internet has been out of service for over a week now. Viasat says a tech visit is needed, but there are no available techs to schedule an appointment with?! What kind of crap is that? Is that what you call great customer service?

Hello @EMMONS52

I’m sorry for this bad experience. We try to schedule our tech visits as soon as possible, but sometimes the calendar of the technicians available is fully booked.

I’ve spoken to the Field Operations team, and they’ve escalated this tech visit to be able to expedite it.

I’ll let you know as soon as they reply with any updates, or you may receive a call from them before that to schedule the visit.

Hello @EMMONS52

Checking back in with you after the tech visit!
I see on the visit’s notes that the technician had to replace the power cord.

How has your connection been since then?


It looks like your setup no longer has any issues after the service call on December 29 to replace the power cord, and your speeds are very good:

I’ll be marking this topic as Solved, but if you need any additional assistance, let us know. :slight_smile:

For public knowledge,
Closing this topic as the poster’s original issue has been solved.

If you have a similar issue, please start a new topic instead.