No service connection

Why is my service not working

Hi @koonceken9,

By looking at my system I see an “Offline Modem” warning, could you check if your modem is correctly connected to a power source?

If it is, could you also check what color is the light that is coming from the modem? Such as white, blue, purple, etc. – and if that color is blinking or just solid .

Thank you,

I have no power to the modem I’ve isolated it to the power supply block going to the modem so could you have a tech come fix it thank you.

Hi @koonceken9,

How did you manage to figure out that the issue is in the power supply block? Did you try connecting it to another power source at your house?

If so, I’m going to request a tech visit to swap your modem.

Thank you,

Hi @koonceken9,

Just wanted to follow-up on Avner’s message above. Did you try connecting your modem directly to a couple of different power outlets in your home?

Also, before plugging the modem in, please check that the cable that comes from the antenna to the modem is properly secured and also that the cable that goes from the wall to the modem is also properly connected to the modem.

Thank you,


No I haven’t had any luck I need a tech as soon as possible please

Hi @koonceken9,

We will request a technician visit to take a look at your setup, you should get a call tomorrow to schedule the visit.

As a final question, when you plug your modem in, is the LED light ON or OFF? If it is ON, can you please try to reset your modem? To do this, locate the physical reset button (see below), then press and hold the button for ten seconds.




Be sure to recognize my number has changed will you please have the tech call XXXXXXXXX this is my new phone number

Hi @koonceken9,

I added a note to the request so that they call your new phone number.



I did not receive a visit from a service tech today Internet has been out for more then a week now seriously considering changing providers

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Hi @koonceken9 ,

The original date scheduled for the visit was today, Wednesday January 17th, was that not the date you scheduled?

I can see here that the technician was en route for your visit this morning, was the visit completed successfully?


I do apologize my bad I was a day ahead of myself . And no today is fine some one is there for the tech to access the system again I do apologize for that :pray:

Hi @koonceken9 ,

No problem, we’re glad the technical visit was completed successfully!

In case your network has any issues still, please don’t hesitate to let us know and we’ll be more than happy to help!


My Internet is not working again

My modem isn’t coming in again I don’t understand what the problem is

Starting to sound like a flux of power maybe a bad outlet that is shorting the modems out? I would try a different outlet in a different area if possible, I’ve lost a few electronics over the years from bad outlets, Also always make sure modem is plugged directly into the outlet, Not a plug adapter outlet.

Hi @koonceken9

Looks like the technician replaced your modem and the ARIA Router so the new equipment should be working better. I see that your network area had an outage on January 25 but that doesn’t match the time your modem went offline.

Could you send us a picture of the modem’s lights and also if possible of the plugs in which the modem and the ARIA are connected?

Hi again @koonceken9

I see that your modem has not come back online since we last spoke, there was an outage in your area on January 25 but the downtime shouldn’t be lasting this long.

Did you reboot the modem or unplug it?

I’m putting in a request for a free service call, so the Field Team will call you at a later date to schedule this with you.

I apologize for the delay in resolving your issue.

No service for past 6 hours. Have rebooted dozens of times. Red/purple light is all that shows.

No service for 6 hours. This system sucks.