No internet for over 2 weeks now

I have had viasat internet for almost 2 months now. Over 2 weeks ago the internet went down. Customer support couldn’t fix it so they set up a date for it to be repaired yesterday the 15th. No one ever showed up. Never received a text or email. I can’t receive calls because no internet and data here is very spotty. I’d like to know when they will be showing up?

Hi @Earl_J

The last update we have on your service call is that the technician was en-route on April 15th, but they couldn’t reach you to confirm the appointment. Due to this problem, the service call is now Pending Cancel.

I’m speaking to the Field Operations team to see if we can keep this service call Open, and try to find another date.

Is there any other form of contact that the Field Ops team can use to confirm the appointment with you? Or are you available all day long at the residential address?

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Hi again @Earl_J

We’ve managed to put this service call back to Open/Unscheduled, and the Field team has noted down that your phone is currently unavailable.

They will try to reach you to schedule this tech visit using the same email address as the one you’re using to log in to the Forum.

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Yes I can be reached at xxxx or text my cell phone xxxx. I can’t receive calls because of spotty reception but text is fine or email.

[admin’s notes: edited to hide private data]
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Hi @Earl_J

Understood, I’ve added this information onto your service call.

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I am available all day usually. If I am not here someone will be at all times. They can come if they can’t reach me. Without internet the service is very spotty in this area. Sometime I won’t receive a text or email for an hour or 2 later.

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All right, I’ve added this last bit as well!

Our Forum team will be keeping an eye on this service call to make sure everything goes as intended. When it’s complete, we’ll also check back with you to make sure the issue has been resolved.

If you need assistance with any other problem in the meantime, let us know!

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Great thank you. I will update as soon as they come to do the repair/fix.

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Any update to when they might be able to come repair my internet? It’s been nearly 3 weeks with no internet here. I’ve only been using viasat for 2 months now. 5 weeks of service then 3 without…

Hi @Earl_J

As far I as can see in the service call’s notes, it’s scheduled for 05/21/2024 Mid-day EDT.

Is this correct? I’ll check with the Field team if this can be expedited.

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May 21st? Wow why so long? That’s a month away . If I have to wait another month just to get the internet fixed I think I’ll just go ahead and cancel the account. I’ve only had working internet with viasat for 5 weeks and it’s been down 3 and now they want me to wait another month?? If they can’t get someone to fix it I think it’s better to go with a different company.

Hi @Earl_J

I’m sorry about all this hassle. :confused:

It’s possible they had issues with the tech’s coverage in the area, so I’ve reached out yesterday and asked to expedite this service call to as soon as possible.

For now, I’m keeping track of any updates, so I’ll let you know if anything changes. They may also reach out to you directly to check other dates.

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Alright thank you. Email or text to contact me. Let them know I can’t get phone calls please. Any day of the week will work.

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They set up a date for Tuesday the 30th between 2pm and 6pm to come fix it. I will be here all day.

Hi again @Earl_J

I’ll check back with you after the service call is completed :wink:

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Awesome thank you so much for helping

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Hi. I just received the bill and they are wanting me to pay for internet while it wasn’t working. How do I fix this? I can’t pay for services I did not receive. I haven’t had internet for over a month now. I am sure they can see when i stopped using data easily and I just need to let the billing ppl know so they can fix it.

Hi @Earl_J

As soon as the service call is complete, you can request a discount for the days without service with the folks at Customer Care (855-463-9333).

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He’s fixing it now. It seems to be working he said he’s waiting for it to close out or something

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Internet is working good now and I spoke with billing. They said they are going to take it off my next month bill. Thank you for helping to speed the process up for me!

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