No internet at my property

Ok, thank you for the clarification. It is still disappointing and poor customer service to not be able to find a technician for a month in an underserved internet area.

Hi @Roundhouse

I just saw that your tech visit was scheduled for this February 24th afternoon slot :tada:
I’ll keep an eye on your service call and check back with you after it’s done.

If you need any help in the meantime, let us know.
Sorry about the delay and thank you for your patience!

Thanks so much, Nathalia! I won’t be there but will have someone to meet the technician.

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Hi again @Roundhouse

I see that your service call was just completed!! :tada:

Speeds look good on our side, and your antenna has been repointed, so your signal will have a significant increase in quality.

Let us know if you need any extra help (and sorry for the slow process)!