Modem temperature

Hi, @Mgetridge, I’m creating this new topic to better keep track of the issue.

The modem can get hot because of an internal problem or some external factor (e.g.: the modem must have some clearance on each side to allow for good airflow, otherwise it can overheat).

Did this issue start today? Do you hear any unusual noise from it?

If there is no other issue besides the temperature, you can try turning it off and wait for it to cool down, then turn it on again.

It started two days ago , it’s all by itself nothing close to it , I’ve unplugged three times

Hi @Mgetridge,

Sorry about the slow reply. I escalated your issue to our modem team.

If we can’t soon provide a remote solution, we can look into scheduling a technician visit to replace the modem.

Thanks for your patience.


That would be great, thank you!

Hi @Mgetridge ,

We’re still waiting on the modem team’s conclusion, but they gave me some quick points to ask you about:

  1. On the place where the modem is located, is there good airflow (i.e. not on a bookshelf with a lot of other stuff around it)?
  2. Is there anything resting on the device?
  3. Is it sitting in direct sunlight?
  4. Is it the whole surface of the modem that gets hot to the touch, or only the connectors/cables, or both?

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Hi @Mgetridge ,

We’re still investigating this temperature issue, but pretty much 90% of the causes have been eliminated with that picture.

:warning: Please unplug the modem before checking out all of the questions below.

Can you double-check for us if:

  • your cable connector looks like the one from this photo (see the plastic ring right on the bottom):


  • and also if your cables or the connectors feel like the source of the heat, instead of the modem’s surface?

On another note,

These past few days, have you noticed any change, or is the modem still heating up intensely?

You mentioned this started on November 16 – do you recall doing anything different on that day like maybe cleaning dust from the modem or where it sits, changing the cables around, etc.?

Lastly, did you notice a difference in the internet speeds or the quality of the signal ever since this heating started?

Sorry for the whole bunch of questions, and thank you!

Still hot to touch
Still crappy service I have to come off the server to attach this picture

Hi @Mgetridge ,

I’ve requested the Field Operations team to send a technician to check out the modem and possibly replace it. They will call you later to schedule this visit at your best time.
I’m sorry about this experience… we’d wished to give you a quicker solution, but this one is safer, at least.

That would be great, thank you!

Hi again @Mgetridge ,

Just to double-check, did you already have a modem replacement on October 22? I see on your account that there was a tech visit around October 18 - 23. Was that previous modem also getting hot to the touch?

It wasn’t working at all is what tech said, he discovered the issue not me. We have had isssues since day 1 . Service is so poor

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Hi again @Mgetridge

I see that the technician replaced your modem on December 16.

How has your connection been since then? Is the new modem working out OK?

Hello! I was able to bring things up and it was ok that day. As of yesterday, we had to come off the server to do anything on the internet.
It says internet unstable .
I work from home on some nights and it’s not even remotely working like things should. It is very frustrating

This am internet was out again, you have to come off the server to get any service

Hi, @Mgetridge,

I see what happened: when the modem was swapped the previous configuration we made was lost. I just did it again; hopefully, this will improve the speeds.

Please let us know if you notice any improvements.
