Modem not functional

My modem just stopped working entirely yesterday – no lights are on, not even the status light, so I am unable to run any troubleshooting or diagnostics. We have tried plugging it into multiple different power outlets where other devices are working just fine. When I called support they said it would take a week for a technician, which isn’t acceptable. Is there any way to replace the modem faster? I would happily do it myself.

Hi, @benjam326,

Thanks for your message, and sorry for the inconvenience.

I’m checking that now. Once I have some feedback I’ll let you know.


I can see indeed that your terminal is offline. However, the modem swap will require a truck roll and a repoint/peak. I’ll try to expedite that visit, but unfortunately I can’t guarantee that.

I’ll let you know as soon as I have any news.


Hi, @benjam326,

I see that the service order was completed. How is the service now? Please let us know if you have any issues.
