Less than 1 mbs

My download speed is 0.8 mbs while uploaded speed is 4.8 mbs. Is this a system wide occurrence tonight? Is it being worked on? Thank you!

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I’m seeing the slow speeds as well.


I upgraded to the data plan that gives me 300 gig of data and now my speed dropped to less than 1 Mbps. Anybody know what’s going on? I’ve reset everything and nothing changed. I hope this gets fixed soon. You’d think they’d send out a system wide notification or something. Starlink is looking better and better.


Ditto - same exact speeds. My satellite diagnostics indicates a strong signal, I’ve reset the modem twice, but the speed has been achingly slow for about 12 hours now.

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Hi, @russelltilley40,

Thanks for your message!

There is indeed a problem affecting your service area. The team is still working to fix it, so you might have some issues until everything is fully restored.

Sorry for the inconvenience. We will keep an eye on that, and as soon as everything is back to normal again we’ll let you know.

Note for moderators: we’ll continue the conversation with @Kmck, @Robert_Wollenberg and @carla.tillman in other forum topics:

I called in - it is satellite issues… I had just paid for an extra 10 Gigs and they refused to refund me. I bought a product that was not delivered… Still down 36 hours later.

I am about done with these folks.

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This has been going on for me too since yesterday. Our highest download speed was 4mbps at one point and it’s even lower now. We have the 150gb plan. I called four times yesterday and got a different answer each time, first was there was an outage around midnight central time the 16th and maybe it would resolve later yesterday
second answer was it’s because it’s Saturday and there’s a lot of congestion (we have not even used up all our high speed data (we just got it back at midnight on the 16th) and just wait until tomorrow (which is now and it’s no better)
then on my final call they finally just scheduled a tech person to come out Tuesday. But I’m starting to wonder if I have the same issue as you all do. It’s never been like this before and no one told me about a satellite issue. Is there anyway someone who works for the company on here could let me know if that’s my issue as well ? Thanks !

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Does anyone have an update on what is going on with the system and when can reasonably expect it to be fixed? I’ve done the whole Viasat browser and being logged in on the speed test to report it. The forum hasn’t provided much as to what’s going on and I’m not much of a forum user, so it’s a little confusing to me.

Hi @russelltilley40 ,

We’re very sorry for the solution that was marked, that must have been a mistake, I’ve already unmarked it.

As for an expectation of when it will be fixed, our team is already working on it and we hope it will be fixed by tomorrow, but please rest assured that we’ll let you know here once it does get fixed.


After my first week and after completing umpteen speed tests, moving computer, running cables to the router, and other suggestions by Viosat tech staff, I gave up. I won’t say they were running me around hoping I would go away, but I can say that it often felt I was being sent on a fool’s errand. Thinking it over, I terminated my service. I wasn’t getting anything close to what I was promised (and needed), I had no hope of doing so, and I felt paying them for this was a waste of my money. Whether they will agree I shouldn’t be responsible for any penalty in terminating the service is still to be decided. Meanwhile, I can pick up emails, etc by stopping at the public library, Starbucks, or dozens of other places. For those of you with no real options, I am truly sorry.

Hi, @russelltilley40,

The issue with the system was solved. Could you confirm if the speeds are better now?

I did some tests and it seems to be working fine:

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I have already cancelled my Viasat service. Happy those others now have something usable, but I’ve moved on.

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I just saw this today, the system has been running better for a few days. I just now ran some speed test and got the correct speed once, then every test afterward became slower, but it is mid day, hopefully that’s the cause. I sure hope viasat can keep their commitment and at least keep the speeds close to what they claim, seems like a lot of people aren’t happy if you read the forum. I usually don’t complain too much, but it got ridiculously slow for several days and I think dial up would have been faster. The thing that bothered me was we were never given an explanation for the cause of the slow speeds. I don’t have to have max speeds all the time, I just want to be able to use the service I’m paying for, that’s all I ask. Thank you.

Yes, the system is running much better, Thank you !

Hi, @russelltilley40,

Thanks for the feedback!

About the cause of the slow speeds: there was a system outage affecting a few different network segments at different levels. Our engineers solved the issue and speeds should be back to their normal performance.

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