Issues with down/up speed

My uploading is very so. Let start with the person that put my satellite up he put on a pole the was to be removed I have called 7 time to have someone come out and remove the satellite on to a different pole and was told i would be charged NO YOU ALL ARE NOT CHARGING ME FOR YOUR TECH PUTTING IT ON THE WRONG POLE. AND THEN MY DOWN IS SO BAD THAT. AM THING TO GOING TO STARLING. Now I have been with you people for over a year an am very tired of fighting with you all that am going to remove my pole that your tech put your satellite on then you can come out and put the satellite up free of charge or i will shut my account down. You get 126.88 a month. But am done fighting with you all. Thank you

Hello @Bill_Cowden,

I’m sorry about the experience you’re having with Viasat. I’d like to go over a few points with you, if you have the time:

Firstly, I’ve changed the name of your topic, as it was previously set to your email address, which isn’t very good to have exposed over a public Forum. :slight_smile:

Secondly, do you refer to the tech visit on September 22?
I can see on the technician’s notes that your dish was installed at the place where he had the best line of sight to the satellite, so moving it may cause your signal quality to go down significantly. Because this is proper practice for the techs to install your equipment where your signal will be best, removing it from place really does require a new tech visit with a Relocation Service Order and the aforementioned fees.

Lastly, right now I can see some very good speeds from your modem:


Do you normally use your devices far away or very close to the modem? The distance could be causing the slow speeds that you’ve experienced… However, if your devices are close by, then I’d ask that you please run a full speed diagnosis for us, so we can rule out any Wi-Fi signal issues on your modem.

  • You can download the Viasat Browser here:
  • After you install the browser, you need to be logged in on
    • To do that, click “Login” in the upper right corner of the menu, as indicated in the picture below.
    • The credentials for this login are the same as the ones you use for MyViasat.


When you run the tests from the Viasat browser, we can see “Speed from your device” and most importantly “Speed from your modem”, which is greatly useful to identify discrepancies in the speeds, such as in this example below:

I know this is a bit more cumbersome than just running a normal test, but the complete diagnosis helps us eliminate other factors.

Well we have talk you all that is my pole not your someone is going to move the satellite am adding on a room out that side so am not going to pay for it I will shut my account down and go to starling I have ask you people to take that satellite and move it and my down load is 4.8 that is very slow so there bur someone needs to move that satellite off my pole your satellite is trespassing on my pole

Hi @Bill_Cowden

I understand your frustration, but we’ve found some discrepancies and we’d like to investigate further. I see on your account that the first tech visit was because you believed the dish to be moving and causing your connectivity problems, but this may not have been the case completely.

Is the pole where the dish was installed before this visit still standing?

We can check with our Field Services team about sending another tech visit to check your issues, but we’d need the full speed diagnosis first, to eliminate all other possibilities.

When you have the time, please see if you can follow these steps:

  • You can download the Viasat Browser here:
  • After you install the browser, you need to be logged in on
    • To do that, click “Login” in the upper right corner of the menu, as indicated in the picture below.
    • The credentials for this login are the same as the ones you use for MyViasat.


Yes it was a dish pole

Hi again @Bill_Cowden ,

Do you mean that the pole where the dish was installed before the relocation is still standing?

It was a direct tv pole and I took the the satellite off it when I bought the house and land and I told the tech not to install it on there because we would be add on to the house well it was install on my pole and it’s in my way

Hi @Bill_Cowden

Understood. I’ll ask the Field Operations team what can be done about this relocation issue, and I’ll reply here as soon as they have any updates for us!

Am not paying for it to be moved

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Hi again @Bill_Cowden

We’ve asked the team to get in contact with you by phone to check about the relocation, they will call you later on the same phone number associated with your Viasat account.