Internet goes out almost every night

I have called and spoke about this issue they can’t seem resolved the issue. Im not happy with this service. Be glad when my contract is up. New services are in my area now.

Hi @Bhicks,

I’m really sorry to hear about this bad experience.

We have already located your account and we’ll analyze your situation and hope to come back with updates soon.

Thank you,

Hi @Bhicks,

Upon checking your account we’ve noticed several offline events which confirms that your service should be offline frequently.

These offline events are likely stemming from hardware concerns, including possible modem malfunctions, tria irregularities, or potential cabling issues.

To solve that we’ll schedule a tech visit so the technician can take a look at your setup and solve the issue.

I’ll send you a private message asking for the best phone number to contact you.

Thank you,

Hi @Bhicks,

After taking a look at our system I see that your tech visit wasn’t properly scheduled because the field operations team couldn’t reach you. They tried it via phone and e-mail but didn’t receive any replies.

Please let me know if you want me to try to reschedule that for you, but for that I need you to send me the best phone number to contact you, I sent you a private message regarding that a few days ago.

Thank you,