God aweful, whats the pont of spending money

Speeds are god awful

Hi @The.chuck.88 sorry about that experience, those speeds are certainly bad. Please let me take a look at your account, I hope to have an update soon.




Last night I called customer service to help and very rudly she told me that my issue is that we’ve used too much data and the standard unlimited data is not real internet.

This is very upsetting. See pictures attached of my issues.


Hi @The.chuck.88,

Sorry about that interaction with an agent.

I just ran a test from your modem and see good speeds. Are those 2 test results from this morning or from last night?

I see that you are out of priority data, so let’s do this: I can add some extra priority data to your account (free-of-charge) and we can test the speeds again. This will help us check if the issue is truly that you have reached the data limit or if there is another cause - that will help us give a recommendation.

I will let you know once we have added the extra data to your account.



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These screnshots were from last night I am currently at work and won’t be able to test again till late tonight.


Hi @The.chuck.88,

We added 40 GB of additional priority data to your account (this is free-of-charge), so please run a few more tests tonight when you get some time.

Thank you,



Will do, thanks!

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See pics, appears to be working well, but see one pic where test failed.

Hi @The.chuck.88 , thanks for sending these test results.

How about Disney +, does it work better now? Could you please test it?




Yes it works better


Last night around 11:30 pm the modem went red. I power cycled it and the light went to a blue red until 2:30 am. During this time frame we could not connect to modern at all through wifi to do anything

Hi @The.chuck.88 thanks for reporting in detail, I’ll take a look at the modem history, see if our modem engineers can find any issue. Thanks for your patience.

Hi @The.chuck.88 had this issue you describe below happened before?


No this hasn’t happened before. So a new addition to issues.

Hi @The.chuck.88,

Was the red light a blinking one or was it solid?

We are not totally sure about the cause, please let us know if it happens again. If our modem team has further insights on it we’ll let you know.



How did it finally get resolved? Was the blue red the “purple” in the image above?


Yes after power cycling it went to the blue red “purple” after 2:30 am it went back to blue and was working, just randomly d9es this at least once a week. It’s aweful.

ok that’s not good. FYI, we have opened an internal ticket with engineer about your case and hope to drive it to resolution. Sorry we haven’t made any faster progress on it yet but we hope to have an update soon.

Hi @The.chuck.88,

Quick update - the team detected multiple hardware issues including high cable resistance and low signal quality. We don’t know if this is in fact the cause of your slow speeds and your modem offline events so we tried to request a service call to your home but unfortunately we see that you have decided to disconnect.


Yes I decided to disconnect due to poor customer service and these connection issues.