Download Speeds & Data

I’m a new customer with 1 month of under my belt with Viasat.
NOT happy, Both my Speed and Data are awful.
I’m paying for 100/500 and its only worked for about a week.

I’m currently getting less than 10mps with 400+
I’ve rebooted the router almost everyday.
I finally have a technician coming back to the house.
If things stay the same I will be cancelling my account on Monday 2/19

Hi @Rawbeef38

I apologize for this experience you’re having with Viasat.

I see that you also posted on topics from other customers, so I’ll be centralizing your issues on this topic “Download Speeds & Data”, all right?

I see that your modem is having many offline events this week, so this may be the cause of your slow speeds.

Your service call is scheduled for February 19th, so most likely the technician will replace your modem, and repoint your antenna.

I’ll keep investigating if there are any other inherent issues in your setup, so if you need assistance in the meantime, please let us know.

From what I understand, you’re unable to download the Viasat browser due to this slow speed, correct? If you have some time, please attach the screenshots or results from the other tests you ran, even if without the Viasat browser.

Thank you!


Hi @Rawbeef38

I do see 2 Speed Checks on your account, both from today, with less than 5Mbps of download speed. I completely understand your frustration as this is massively different from 100Mbps.

I believe the service call will help with this issue, but I’ve also found another solution, which will change your network configuration a bit. I’ll apply these new settings right away, so you may notice that your modem has gone offline or isn’t working properly for a couple of minutes.