Data usage even when there are no devices on

Hi @spacecadet33,

I created this new Forum topic to keep better track of your case.

Is it ok if we take a look at your data usage in order to start troubleshooting the issue you reported? This will help us understand where this abnormal data usage is coming from and provide a recommendation in accordance.



Hi @spacecadet33,

Because your account is over 30 days past-due, your Internet service has been transitioned to an Affordable Access Service Option that is free to you due to your ACP discount. Your speeds and High-Speed Data are lower on this service option and all Add On services have been suspended. Most transactions on this account are restricted until the account is made current by a payment. You can transition back to your original service plan by making a payment in full of your past-due balance.

If you would like to make a payment you can call customer care or do it over the My Viasat app.

We are happy to continue troubleshooting the issue you reported, but are very limited due to the status of your account.



I realize it’s past due but most of your data was added almost every day, and I have been having to pay for more data and realized how wrong that is. I have been with wildblue/excede/viasat since 2010, and never was late or ever had to question the data until lately. I have sent an email to your customer service department about my account, so hopefully they will take care of this mess. I still need to know why I get charged for data when I’m not using the computer or watching any roku tv. I also know that there is throttling going on. I have read all the reviews and complaints on viasat, so I’m not the only customer that constantly gets punished with more fees. They know I’m disabled and have just lost my part time job, so they still don’t care.

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Hi @spacecadet33,

Do you mind if we take a look at your data usage to see if we can identify the app/device that is using up your data?

Is there a particular time/date where you had everything disconnected and you noticed this abnormal usage?

Thank you,
