Constant white flash light

My modem is constantly flashing white. Never blue anymore

Hi @Luvdavid55,

Sorry for the bad experience.

When your modem constantly flashes with white lights, it could be for a couple of reasons, as per this article.

Before I dive further into troubleshooting, could you please reboot your modem by either by replugging the power cord or by using the Power button, and see if that fixes the issue?

Let me know how it goes.


Hi @Luvdavid55

I see that there is a tech visit scheduled for the morning of February 12 to resolve your issue.

We’ve found some problems with your antenna and informed the technician who has the service call.

As soon as it’s completed, we will check back with you.



Hi @Luvdavid55

I see that your tech visit was completed successfully yesterday, and the technician repointed your antenna :tada:

How has your connection been since then?

Hi @Luvdavid55

It looks like your setup no longer has any issues after the service call, so I’ll be marking this topic as Solved.

If you need any additional assistance, let us know!