Cannot connect to work site via viasat

This is the second time this has happened to me (in the two months we have had the viasat service). Something happens (weather, power, etc), and when the viasat modem comes back to life, I cannot connect to one, or more, of my client sites.

The first time I called in to report it (about a month ago), it (eventually) got escalated to second level, and they fixed the dns and routing tables. It took several calls and repeating my issue a dozen times or more, but it got resolved.

The same thing happened last Friday during bad weather. I used my ATT phone to connect over the weekend. Today (Monday) I tried to get the customer support people to help me. I not only got NO help, when I called in again, and the third person read what the supervisor wrote during the first call, I realized that she actually lied about what happened.

Oh, and BTW, they claimed they could find nothing about the first set of calls, even though the first person I spoke to referenced it (once) during my first call.

  1. If I can get to my client site on my phone, if the other person in the house can access it through their phone, if a neighbor not using viasat can get to it from their service, and if my coworker in California can get to it using his service, then the problem isn’t the site. I made that clear enough that saying it is a “site problem” is a lot of things – but the truth isn’t one of them.

  2. If I can get to a number of sites, but not any of my client sites or even, then the issue isn’t with my laptop. If rebooting my laptop doesn’t resolve it, then it it not my laptop. If rebooting my router doesn’t help, then it’s not my equipment.

  3. I told multiple people exactly what was needed, and they refused to do it. They refused to transfer my call to someone who could, and they refused to give me the contact information for someone who COULD help me.

  4. When I called back, the next person read the lie from the previous supervisor, and refused to help me as well.

Everything points to the viasat router, yet trying to convince the “support” folks – two of which did not even know what an IP address was, followed by them REFUSING to transfer me to someone who COULD is a breech of service on the part of viasat. Following that with lying about the conversation in their comments only exacerbates that breech.

I had to do a yahoo search (because I can’t get to google) to get this address so I could submit this ticket.

Hi @davidlee,

Sorry about this experience. I’ll take a look at your account and hope to have some insights soon.



Hi @davidlee,

What are some of these sites that you are having trouble accessing? What do you see on your browser screen when trying to access them? If you could include a screenshot in your reply, that would be great.


Non-authoritative answer:
Non-authoritative answer:

Non-authoritative answer:

Hi @davidlee,

Thanks for sending these. Google should definitely work, so we will take a close look at what is happening.

Is there any error message in your browser screen when trying to access these? Also, what browser are you using?

Finally, are you using any form of VPN?



No VPN; it is still back at my other office.

There are no actual (usable) error messages. The only thing I get from the browser, filezilla, and ping is a “timeout” message.

Every device I have uses OpenDNS addresses: and 208.67.220,220

Something else is getting in the way. The last time I had this happen, someone (apparently) logged into the actual router and reset the DNS records there and flushed the router table.

At one level, that shouldn’t matter since I use my own, but, hey, that’s what they said they did, and it made everything work, so I believed them.

Hi @davidlee,

An engineer in our team helped me check (remotely) if your modem is able to access and it worked normally.

We noticed that you are using a third-party (non-Viasat) router. Have you tried connecting your device directly to the Viasat modem (via ethernet cable or Wi-Fi)? Maybe that helps?



We also noticed that in the message you sent earlier, one of your DNS addresses has a comma instead of a period. See that comma in the second address? Right between 220 and 220

If you copy pasted it from your configuration, then there might be an error there. Can you change it?

I just checked, and sure enough that one worked.

That was me fat fingering it. I know them by heart, so I don’t need to copy/paste.

I’ve learned not to trust the security of what to my company is a “third party router,” so I prefer to use my own. Eventually there will be a full ASA firewall in place.

Since I never thought of connecting directly to the viasat router, I never even asked how to do so. I can try it, but someone would have to tell me what the passcode is.

Also, while the comma is pretty obscure to us humans, the router can see the syntax error instantly. Is thre still a functioning router that wouldn’t have caught that? I’m just thinking how foolish I felt that I wasted my time actually checking my router. The box turned red when I changed the period to a comma.

Having said that, I know there are some versions of linux (which is my main OS) that have one dialog box for your DNS servers, and you comma separate them. I didn’t go check them to see what would happen if I did. So it is still a good catch.

Hi @davidlee,

I’m glad that worked :slight_smile:

About your question below, if you never used the Viasat Wi-Fi directly, then the correct password should be on a sticker on your modem.

A thought hit me in the wee hours of the morning:

Your network engineers logged into the viasat modem and checked, which worked for you (and then when I checked it worked for me as well). What were the results of the other two URLs? You DID check all of them, right? It is only logical that if the one address worked, then you’d check the others as well.

If whatever happened to fix the one should have fixed the others, so that would be a wonderful thing to report.

Logged in via the viasat modem and got the same block.

When I tried to post the previoius reply (as well as this one), I got this:

### This topic has been solved

Only reply here if:

*** You have additional details**
*** The solution doesn’t work for you**

If you have an unrelated issue, please start a new topic instead.

It then told me I could not post THIS REPLY for nearly an hour! This is unacceptable!




The “solution” didn’t work for you and it didn’t work for me. Get one of your network engineers to log back into my modem and prove it works – or why it doesn’t so they can fix it. I’m not paying for a service that requires me to use the my PHONE’s HOTSPOT to connect to my WORK!

This started last Saturday. Whatever you did then MUST be reversed so I can continue working. Not doing so is a public admission that you refuse to give me the service you are charging me for!

Here is my official notice: Something on YOUR END is blocking me from getting to my work site! Fix it. I am in Texas, and there is legal precedent for those who block the business related work of others. So fix it.


Hi @davidlee ,

First, I’d like to apologize for the tardiness, as I understand how frustrating this has been for you. We somehow missed your last reply, which is why I’m only responding now.

Regarding the solved topic, it was thought at the time that the issue was solved, but since it wasn’t, the solution marker has since been removed. With that said, you should still be able to post to a solved topic, so we’ll investigate why you couldn’t post it.

I’ve reached out to our team and expedited the request for a fix. They had to factory reset your router (just for clarity, router here means the Viasat router part of your Viasat modem, not your personally owned one, as we cannot perform any commands on it). Our conclusion is that this might be an issue caused by using the Viasat modem as a router and also using an external router along with it.

When customers wish to use their own routers with the Viasat Modem, the recommendation is that you put your Viasat modem on bridge mode (this makes it function only as a modem), that way you can configure the router settings freely and according to your needs on the external router without interference. Here’s an article with more information about bridge mode and how to activate it on your Viasat router: Do I need to put my router in bridge mode?

If you are unsure of which modem type you have, refer to this forum article: Which type of Viasat modem do I have?

Please confirm if everything is working properly now. If you face this issue again or any new issue, don’t hesitate to reach out again and we’ll be more than happy to help.


I attached a screenprint showing I am logged in via the viasat router. I can ping the gateway, so I know it is available. When I put into the browser, it shows it “figured it out” by changing the address to “” but there is no connection. I am using the latest version of FireFox.

Hi, @davidlee,

Please try accessing the modem by typing (instead of in the browser. If that works, please follow the steps to put the modem in bridge mode.

If that doesn’t work please let us know.