Can’t upgrade, but…

Called to upgrade service from 12mb/35Gb to new 35mb/100gb, which are the same price (no brainer). Agent switched out plan over the phone and said we needed new modem and dish attachment before we could get new speeds. However, we immediately started getting over 25mb downloads and we could finally stream to tv, which was basically impossible before. Technician called and said because we are in a very rural area with high trees and mountains, Viasat 2 is our only satellite option, and we could not get new service levels which are only available on Viasat 1 satellite.

The order was then cancelled in the system and we went sent back to slow as molasses download speeds. Called back to ask for Viasat to just switch our account back to the 35mb level without new equipment because it was working better and we’re told there was no way to do so. Anyone have any ideas?

Hi @adamcabeza ,

I’ve sent you a direct message requesting additional info before we can proceed. :slight_smile:

Hi again @adamcabeza ,

I managed to find you on our system with the info you provided!

So your plan currently is the “Unlimited 12 Mbps / 35GB” since October 2022, right?

Are you referring to the installation of the “Choice 50 / 100” plan which was cancelled on September 15, 2023?

Yes. Our account was switched to the upgraded 50mb service and before any equipment was changed, we were able to get better download speeds and stream tv. However, when the technician called us for the install appointment, he said we could not get a line of sight to Viasat 1 and would have to cancel the install. Once that was done, we went back to slow service. When I called customer service, I asked them to just keep our account at the 50mb level as it was the same price as the 12mb service, but they said no because an equipment change was required. Very frustrating. Thanks for whatever you can do to resolve the issue.

Hi @adamcabeza,

I checked if you were ever in a plan other than the “Unlimited 12 Mbps / 35GB” that Nathalia mentioned above, and couldn’t find any evidence of that. So it might just have been coincidental that the perceived speeds were better in the brief period when the migration to VS1 was being considered.

I think the speeds with your current plan can be good, so we can try to troubleshoot any other issues. I tried to run a test from your modem but it’s currently offline - and has been offline for about 2 days. Did you unplug your modem?



We are currently away from the property and will not be back until November 4, so the power is off to the unit.

As far as the speeds, I don’t believe it was coincidental that we were able to stream without any buffering until the switch was made back to the slower service levels. There was a very noticeable difference. Either way, we are hoping to increase speed levels to something that is more reliable. Thank you for whatever you can do.

Hi @adamcabeza,

In the last 30 days I see a bunch of periodical speed test results from your modem (which we automatically run in the background to monitor the network) and the slowest one is 31 Mbps in the download - this makes me think that you might have a Wi-Fi issue, which would explain the slow speeds on your devices.

If you could please let us know when you are back that would be great. With the modem ON we can run some tests to identify the root cause and hopefully improve your experience.



Okay, thank you. As I mentioned, we will be back there on 11/4. I will send you a message a day prior to reconfirm.



Hello Nacho,

We are back and will be using the service again this weekend. Thank you.

Hi, @adamcabeza,

So far it seems the speeds are good:

Let us know if you have any issues.


Yes, but we are unable to stream anything at these speeds. We were able to stream when the account was switched to the faster service level, but the hardware wasn’t changed. How is that possible?

Hi @adamcabeza ,

As we said before, your plan was never changed in the system, so the perceived speeds being better might have been a coincidence, but it is weird that with the speeds mentioned you aren’t able to stream without buffering, which is why we want to run a few tests to verify your network situation and find what might be wrong.

Could you kindly run an advanced speed check? The advanced speed check shows your device and modem speeds separately, as well as a few other bits of information that can help us better identify the issue. Here’s an article with detailed instructions on how to run it: How to run a speed test from my modem?

Please also run a test from (this test will verify video speeds specifically) as soon as you finish running the Viasat Speed Check.

These two tests will provide us with some information that will help us investigate.
