Buyer beware, Viasat is charging me for equipment I returned

After being a good Viasat customer I returned my equipment when I moved. Months later, Viasat sent me a bill for over $300.00 for the equipment. On two occasions, I spoke with Viasat customer service. We tracked the shipment online. On both occasions Viasat verified that the equipment had indeed been returned. I still have the receipt and proof of delivery from UPS. One year later Viasat sent me to collections for that equipment that I returned. Their customer service will not communicate with me. Is this extortion? They are threatening my credit rating if I don’t pay for equipment that I returned. Viasat has some sort of internal issue that is causing this problem. I am not the only person that is complaining on the internet about this issue. Buyer beware. This could happen to you if you engage with Viasat.

Hi @user15, we are sorry about this experience. We are taking a look at your account and hope to have an update by tomorrow, we’ll need to check with a few different teams.

Hi @user15 we are waiting to hear back from a few teams, but hope to provide a solution later today. Thanks.

Also, I did see the documents you sent that confirm the delivery so I’m asking the equipment returns team to try to reconcile this. Thanks for your patience.

Solution was communicated to customer over Direct Message.


Yes, I received a call stating this was resolved and that I owed nothing, but I asked for it in writing, I have not received it yet. This is important to me as I have been told twice before it was taken care of.

Hi @user15 ,

I will ask the personnel for an ETA on when everything will be fully resolved, and we will get back to you soon.


Sent details to customer over DM.

Thank you for resolving the issue and removing me from collections.

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I am getting a bill 14 months after closing account and paying the due amount. I spoke with a representative last week and assured all is good. I get a letter today from a collector and ViaSat will not speak with me. I will never recommend this shady company, bunch of crooks!

Hi @Stephen_Cordle,

Thanks for your post.

I created this new forum topic (Billing issue after disconnect) to better keep track of your case.
