Very Poor Slow Speeds

Very Slow speeds for last few days, Modem will drop offline ands take forever to reconnect
After many years of being a Viasat customer I am tired of these problems.
Ordered Starlink and awaiting new service because Viasat can never seem to keep my service running at full speed


PING 627ms

JITTER 187ms


UPLOAD 4.0 Mbps

Speed From Your Modem

  • Modem MAC Address:xx:xx:xx:xx:99:A3 ( Blocked Mac address )

DOWNLOAD ## 0.45 Mbps

UPLOAD ## 0.83 Mbps

Very over battling this issue

Hi @jay9536c ,

I see some possible fixable issues when analyzing your issue that might need an escalation in order to completely investigate, but since you said you ordered another service, I wanted to first consult with you if you’d like for me to proceed with this escalation in order to attempt to improve your Viasat.

If you’re interested, let me know and I’ll promptly escalate it.


Leo, What do you need to escalate to, and yes i have ordered another service as if you look at my history there always has been a problem at one time or another, and it seems the answer is always weather or my problem, Last time it was escalated there was a dish alignment issue that when the tech showed up the dish tested out fine with great alignment. So i would like a more clear picture as to what you seem to feel the issue is
Thank you

WOW… well like all else it seems the reply’s can be as slow as the service
i answered your first reply a few minutes after your post, been 16 hours now and no response…
Very disappointing, i guess Viasat is doing well enough that they can afford to lose customers.

Hi @jay9536c ,

I understand your frustration and I am sorry for the delay. Your case has already been escalated, and we’re waiting for further explanation before we can proceed.

My suspicions are currently a hardware issue with your modem, so this is currently being investigated. As soon as I receive any updates I’ll reply here again.


@jay9536c Could you please let me know your router’s model?


My Router is a Netgear Nighthawk R7000
Just so you know, I work a night job 9pm to 6am EST
I sleep mornings so my responses will be either early when i get home from work or after 2 pm EST what i get up

Thank you

Hi @jay9536c ,

Our team has concluded that the fault lies in the hardware, either on the modem or on the antenna installation. To further explain, your antenna installation is not receiving a bad signal most of the time, and the installation is good, however, it might be at some points in time swaying or a bit loose, which is causing instabilities, and another possibility is your modem not receiving the information from the antenna correctly.

In either of these cases, a new technical visit would be required. If you’d like to receive one, let me know and I’ll make the request.



Is this something i will have to pay for ?
Asking as like I stated before, the last tech visit found no problems and I do not want to be stuck with a service call bill to find nothing


Hi @jay9536c ,

I’ll let you know once I have confirmation on that.


Hello @jay9536c ,

Sorry for the wait! I have confirmed that the tech visit and a possible dish relocation, if needed, should be free of charge. The request for the visit is already being filed as well, so soon you should receive a call to schedule the best time for you. Thank you very much for your patience on this and happy new year!


Thank you and sorry for delay in responding as my Wife had a medical issue and i have been at the hospital for last 3 days. All is fine now and I appreciate your efforts


Hi, @jay9536c,

Glad everything is better with your family.

As for the visit, probably the field service will try to contact you today to give more details.

Happy new year :grinning:

Hi, @jay9536c,

I noticed that you canceled the service order. Did the speeds improve? Please let us know if you still have any issues.


I cancelled the service order after i kept getting phone calls stating that they were still trying to find a tech to service me, after 2 weeks of those calls, and no service appointment made, I made the decision to move on after all these years and purchased Starlink equipment.
As soon as this arrives and i can get it setup, I will be discontinuing service with Viasat
As a long time customer, and not getting the speeds and service I pay for, I felt that this was a losing battle just trying to get the 12 mbps that I pay for and has eluded me for most of my time as your customer.
I tested my speeds on my neighbors Starlink, and for the same money, i can get download speeds between 60 to 80 mbps.
I appreciate you trying to solve my problem, but the lack of service to fix it by a technician was the final straw. It has been over 20 days since the promise of service call, and i still have not heard anything about even setting an appointment.
Again, Thank you for your efforts in this .

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Hi, @jay9536c,

Ok, I understand. Sorry for that, that’s not the experience we’d like to have offered you. Unfortunately, we had some issues with the local partners and we were not able to schedule the service promptly.