Slow speeds at night

Earlier it was slow but working more it’s so slow it won’t load netflix or anything else on tv and on my phone i am losing internet all the time if i am going to pay for this it should work i haven’t been with viastat long just a couple of month’s but i am not happy at all

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Hi @Mags ,

Is it just the video streaming that it’s slow, or do you mean the internet in general?

You’re currently out of priority data, so your traffic is not prioritized and you might see slower rates, especially during the peak busy periods.

Could you run for us a full speed diagnosis, to double-check if it isn’t something else causing your slow speeds?

  • You can download the Viasat Browser here:

  • After you install the browser, you need to be logged in on

    • To do that, click “Login” in the upper right corner of the menu, as indicated in the picture below.
    • The credentials for this login are the same as the ones you use for My Viasat.


When you run the tests from the Viasat browser, we can see “Speed from your device” and most importantly “Speed from your modem”, which is greatly useful to identify discrepancies in the speeds, such as in this example below:

Hello @Mags ,

You currently have 2 other topics open so I’d like to centralize things over here.
You may not have seen the last replies I sent you over both topics, so I’m re-sending them here.

Regarding your question on: Data speed increase - #3

As you go through the month, you may be using up all your high-speed data. This can be seen under “Usage” on your MyViasat app. If you run out of priority data, your traffic is not prioritized and you might see slower rates too, especially during the peak busy periods.

Like so:

Firstly, could you double-check for us please if you’re receiving the actual rate of 2.6 Mbps set to Data Saver? You’re currently out of priority data, so your internet speeds in general might sometimes get slower, and that can influence your streaming speed, too.

You can use Netflix’s streaming speed test,

Regarding your question on: Internet speed to slow

Could you run for us a full speed diagnosis, to double-check if it isn’t something else causing your slow speeds?

  • You can download the Viasat Browser here:
  • After you install the browser, you need to be logged in on
    • To do that, click “Login” in the upper right corner of the menu, as indicated in the picture below.
    • The credentials for this login are the same as the ones you use for My Viasat.


When you run the tests from the Viasat browser, we can see “Speed from your device” and most importantly “Speed from your modem”, which is greatly useful to identify discrepancies in the speeds, such as in this example below:


:exclamation: I’ve added 30 GBs of high-speed data to your account so that we can properly test the speeds on both speed checks. If you receive an email thanking you for the purchase, you can ignore it, as it’s free of charge.

Please make sure, if possible, that you run the speed tests over the Viasat Browser, during different periods of the day – but especially during the night, when you’ve mentioned that speeds go down.

I finslly cslled customer service and they said it was my antenna but later it came back on and now it works fine do i run the test now or do i wait for problems now

I did run the test before I cslled customer service the speed was 1mbp is the unlimited standard data supposed to be that slow

Your antenna doesn’t show any signs of mispoints or errors – the agent may have seen a warning that sometimes pops up by accident.

Please do run the speed checks with Viasat Browser when you have a chance, it’s the first step to figuring out what’s causing your slow speeds.

You ran the test but not using the Viasat Browser, so I don’t have access to your results and we also couldn’t crosscheck your modem speeds with your device speeds.

That’s what we’re trying to figure out, which is why the speed check is so important. Now that you have high-speed data, you’ll no longer be using the unlimited standard data, so you can run many tests without issue.

O ran the test on viastat you should be able to see results but this is with the data boost you have me not standard data

Hi @Mags

Do you mean that you ran a test just now after the data boost was added?
I still can’t see any results from your account:

Were you logged in to the Speed Check website with your MyViasat credentials?

Also, are you running the tests on a mobile phone or a computer? I forgot to tell you that the modem test isn’t yet compatible with iPhones, unfortunately, in case you’re using one.

If you’d like, you can send a screenshot or link the results of your Speed Checks here, so I can verify why they’re not showing up on your account.

Hi @Mags

I can now see your results, thanks!

By the way, you don’t need to create a new topic every time you want to reply :wink:

You can just send us a Reply here on this topic:

Or reply via the email inbox where these notifications are sent to.

Your results seem very good with high-speed data:

Your modem is receiving 122 Mbps and your device is very close to that speed, about 110 Mbps.
It’s normal to have the device speeds a bit lower than the modem speeds, usually due to the distance between the equipment.

Keeping in mind that your plan has the maximum speed of 25 Mbps, you’re getting really good speeds! :tada:

It’s possible that the slow speeds you were experiencing were simply due to being on the standard unlimited data. Speeds with standard data may be significantly slower than on high-speed data.

By the way, @Mags

If you can run another few tests again during the night, we can confirm if your issue was just the slower connection from the standard data.

Sometimes we may see a difference between mornings, afternoons, and evenings – so it’s always good to check another time if your results are still good. :slight_smile:

Just ran test again the internet is still working fine

Hi again @Mags

That’s great to know! I can see your results have improved immensely after resetting your high-speed data.

I’ll mark the last reply as the Solution :white_check_mark: so we don’t forget what the issue is, in case you need any future assistance. :slight_smile:

When you reply here, the Forum may give you a warning about this topic already being Solved, but just ignore it, you can reply whenever you need help!