Slow speed & no TV

Do you have an Ethernet cable to try and connect the TV directly to the modem? That may fix the connection issue, for now.

Today I was about 20 feet away from the modem, which is exactly where I was back on December 3.

Tech visit went fine. Looks like the dish is perfectly aligned, no issues there. We still couldn’t get the modem to talk to either of the two televisions. But I honestly think that is on my end, just need to do a little fiddling with the settings on the TV. My main concern is the low speed of the Internet. I need to be able to work from this location a lot in the coming months/years, and really need 150 MBps or very close.

We tried the ethernet cable directly from modem to television, it did not work. But again, I suspect that might be an issue with the television.

Hi again @bgilmer1014

It looks like the error you saw on the modem speed test is related to an issue we’re seeing with other customers since yesterday.

We can’t reboot those modems from our side anymore because of this bug. :confused:

The modem team is working on a fix as fast as possible, but if you could do a normal reboot, that may help!

Hopefully, that will solve the Unexpected Error during the modem speed tests.

Do you know the make and model of the 2 TVs? I can try to find out if there’s any additional setting we’re overlooking. :thinking:


We’re back at this location, still experiencing extremely low speeds, but continuing to run speed tests.

We’ve tried connecting my laptop directly to the modem using ethernet cable – but no joy. Speeds that way (on average) were actually lower. In fact, at 7 pm tonight, we got higher speeds on device vs modem!

What next? We really need 150 mbps down, and at least 25 up – right now we’re not getting anything close. (My job involves uploading very large graphic files – so 5.0 mbps is nowhere near adequate.)

No joy with connecting to TV either.

Please advise, thanks.

Hi again @bgilmer1014

I have some account suggestions that could help with this speed issue, I’ve sent you a private message elaborating on that further. :slight_smile: