Ridiculously slow speeds are outrageous for this price

Same issue i always have. Pay for 50mbps average 0.2mbps, i understand i have no highspeed but this still seems ridiculous.


Hi @JordanN.Buck ,

I’ve just given you 30GB free of charge so we can troubleshoot your issue accordingly. You may see a charge in your bill, but please not that there will be a credit of equal value accompanying it so you will not have any extra charges for this data.

Once you’re able to please run new tests, ideally 2 in the afternoon and 2 in the evening while you still have data remaining.


I will try. Im at work still so im not sure when ill get home.

This is 757 pm

This is 12:30 am


Hello @JordanN.Buck ,

From what I can see in your tests your device speeds are usually much slower than the modem’s, which indicates a potential Wi-Fi issue. The solution is probably to get a good external router.

Within the Forum we often recommend these 2 Router alternatives:

These are both very good Routers and help in amplifying the Wi-Fi range and quality throughout an average-sized house.


I honestly dont think that will help and i cant afford to buy another one so i will try setting up the one i already have.

@JordanN.Buck ,

The external router should help with your situation because there is a huge discrepancy between the speeds your device is getting and the speeds the modem is getting. This is explained by the signal degradation of the Wi-Fi network.


Well it didnt make much of a difference and i still get an error message everyother time i try to use the internet saying “connected without internet”.
But thank you for trying. I just with it wasnt so expensive for how unreliable it is.

Hi @JordanN.Buck

Are you currently connected to your other Router, or are you still using the Viasat-provided modem?

I see that your Speedcheck identified the Viasat Wi-Fi network, so I just wanted to double-check :slight_smile:

We’re still investigating your case, so as soon as we have more information available, we will let you know.

Thank you for your patience!

No im not. It didnt seem to make any difference.

Hi @JordanN.Buck ,

Aside from the Wi-Fi issue we see, your problems are most likely caused by congestion. As I suggested before, getting a new Wi-Fi router might improve the situation when your device is getting lower speeds than your modem’s, but for moments when the modem speeds themselves are low, there is no solution as of yet. Still, our engineers are constantly working to solve this issue.


Ah okay. Hmm… i guess that makes some sense