Need to cancel my account

Hi, @sooner3232,

We are sorry for the bad experience.

We arranged for someone from customer care to call you, so we can find a solution or compensation for the problems regarding that ATT cable and the overall service quality.

That’s not great. The service should be functional from day 1.

We can solve the issue, but we’re going to need your cooperation to do some tests.

As you are out of priority data, we can start by giving you more data, so we can better track the bad speeds problem for now.

I am checking your equipment and service area to find out what could be wrong.

We usually ask the customers to run speed tests from their modem so we can rule out Wi-Fi issues (see instructions here: How to run a speed test from my modem? - Slow Speeds - Viasat Support Forum).

Could you try running some tests and then sending us the results?

From our side, we do see good speeds and could not reproduce the bad results you showed before.

But please don’t get me wrong: I do not say that to invalidate what you are saying, I’m just indicating that an inconsistency was found and we need to investigate it. That’s the reason why we asked for the speed test from the modem.


After we solve the speed problem, we will move on to check the data usage.
