Latency Test Error

Trying to run a speed in the Viasat browser and getting “latency test error”. Have rebooted computer and tried again and hit retry, but still fails. Firefox is able to open internet sites, but I can’t verify my connection speed.

This is on a desktop windows 10 and just disabled the internal WiFi adapter and installed a USB 3 WiFi adapter, taking my WiFi strength from fair to excellent. Other internet functions seem to have improved performance.

Hi @ZVanT99

Do you mean a test on

Can you send us a screenshot of the latency error? Is it still showing up for you?

By the way, regarding the USB Wi-Fi adapter, did you buy one that is Dual-Band (ie, can receive your modem’s Wi-Fi signals on both 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz)?

Hi again @ZVanT99

I was taking a look at your modem and it looks like something went wrong with it on January 02, around 09 AM EST.

Your signal quality downgraded immensely since that day, and your modem has been coming offline every 2 hours:

Do you recall any bad weather events recently around January 02 that could have mispointed your satellite dish?

In any case, I’ve requested a tech visit to check what’s going on and whether your equipment has become faulty.

Yes, dual band.

Nothings has changed. Right now trying to stream football at 720p and constantly buffering for a few seconds. 480 does not work well for sports as not enough definition. And I wouldn’t call 720 HD as the TV is 4k.

Hi @ZVanT99,

We reached out to our field operations team, they are going to reach you to schedule the best moment for your tech visit. I’ll send a private message to check what’s the best contact number for you.

Also, is this issue recent? As Nathalia mentioned it seems like your signal quality decreased from January 2nd, does this align with your experience?

Thank you,

I am a new customer and just connected my computers, so everything is recent for me.