Is my modem also a router?

I am getting random garbage prints on my laser printer. It’s connected by wire to the modem. I have never seen this before. It started happening after I decommissioned my wifi (a Buffalo G300) router from the system and connected all 3 of the wires to the modem. So, now I am a little concerned that my internal addresses (i.e. my printer and a bunch of other stuff) are exposed to the internet. I have been attacked before. I need to understand what I have better. Do I have configuration access to the modem?

Hello @ctilbury ,

That is correct. I see from your account that you are currently using the SB2+ Viasat Modem.

This is how to access all its settings:

Step 1
Type the following into your internet browser’s address bar:

Step 2
When prompted, log in using the credentials below:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: admin

On the following screen after login, you will be able to configure your network name, password, security mode, etc.

In there you can also set your Wi-Fi to Private, so it’s invisible in the list of available networks. The only way to access the Private network is by knowing the NETWORK NAME (SSID), which you can configure as shown in this picture:


PS – Have you checked on your personal computer if the Network Sharing setting is turned on? It sometimes shares your printers as well.

On Windows 10, for example:


We only use Linux here, and there is no “sharing” turned on anywhere.

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The printer is directly connected to the network with a wire. It receives its address via DHCP and the address is not on the 192.168.1.x subnet. Computers that print to it use the CUPS or LPTS protocol.

I think my modem is definitely improperly configured. I cannot access the admin address because the DHCP address that was delivered for my PC is in the 184.20.32.x subdomain. The IP address for the printer, which was also connected directly to the modem was in the 172.242.5.x subdomain. It’s pretty clear that the modem is not delivering these addresses. The addresses delivered over the WiFi interface are in the 192.168.0.x subnet, which I assume to be correct. I cannot access the admin interface to the modem.

This looks like a serious security issue to me, that should require immediate attention.

I have mitigated the problem by using another router to protect my internal network.

Just to double-check, you’re trying to access via the Linux PC with an Ethernet cable, right? Or are you accessing over Wi-Fi?

Also, when you previously removed the other Router, was your Viasat Modem set to Bridge Mode?

Sorry, I don’t mean to be rude, but please read my previous post. If you don’t understand it, then please escalate it to someone who does. This is a serious problem with the modem and it needs to be resolved immediately.

I am pretty sure that the modem has been hacked. For example, my printer printed a GET request using curl. No one on my network has been using curl.**


**Curl is a command-line tool that allows people to download random data from computers on the internet.

As I said previously, normal DHCP service is not happening, and so the desktop computer that I would use for access the modem cannot access the admin web interface. I am effectively locked out.

I have no way of finding that out. All I did was plug one of the ports into the WAN port of the router. It is a Buffalo G300 WiFi router with 4 ports. I have been using it for years.

Understood. I ask because I can see on your account that you have “Enhanced Wi-Fi” – that is, you either had or have currently a Viasat ARIA Router. Is that the one you’re connecting all the wires to, or the Viasat Modem itself?

The ARIA looks like this:


Your Viasat modem is currently set to Bridge Mode because of it.

Okay that device is connected and bridge mode makes sense.

This WiFi interface is plugged into the modem. Is it also true, then, that there is no longer a router functioning in the modem? The implication is that the CURL request was probably made by some system administrator out in the wild trying to figure out who is using their IP address allocations. Do you agree? Or did I miss something?

OK, then the Aria router is replacing the Viasat WiFi Modem’s routing capabilities – see if you can access instead.

The login should be:
username: cusadmin
password: (the one you chose during the EasyConnect installation of Aria when it first arrived).

If in use, your wired devices need to be directly plugged into your Aria.

You’ll see that there is 1 GigE port for the connection to your Viasat Modem and a second GigE port on the back of the unit available for a wired device – in this case, the printer.