Internet Speed…

I was pretty close to the modem when I ran the test on the computer (wacky results) and the device (that got the 100 Mbps). I thought the computer was off so I ran it with my phone to see if it was the same or different.

All right, as a final confirmation, can you also run just another test, but this time with your computer directly connected to the modem with an Ethernet cable?

Yeah I can do that. I’ll do it this evening when I get home and tomorrow morning before I leave for work too.

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Thanks! I forgot to mention, just make sure that your laptop’s Wi-Fi is completely turned off while connected with an Ethernet cable – sometimes the Wi-Fi connection will “override” the cable.

Hi Nathalia,

I apologize for the delay.

You should be able to see the results of the test with the laptop connected directly to the modem with an Ethernet. I confirmed that the Wi-Fi was shut off on the laptops end.

This was at 10:30 pm.

I can try and run it before I go to work as well in the AM.


Hi again @Syruws.jason

No worries! And yes, I can see the results. :slight_smile:

I’m going to request a tech visit for you because neither of your results match what our tools show for your network segment or your plan. I looked over some things on your installation and it’s possible that your equipment is not 100% up and running.

Hello @Syruws.jason

I see that your tech visit was completed successfully on January 02.

How has your connection been since then?

Hi Nathalia,

No it wasn’t. It was scheduled for the 4th from 8 am to 11 am. No one ever showed up…

Hi, @Syruws.jason,

Sorry about that! We’re checking with the field team what happened and asking them to reschedule ASAP.

We’ll let you know once we have an update.

I would appreciate that very much.

Ironically, I just checked my account and I have roughly 30 GB of data left… there were ~58 GB used on Tuesday the 2nd, the date you referenced. I didn’t get home until 6 pm and only watched 1 movie (maybe 2 hours).

I’m curious as to whether something was done that chewed up that much of my data? The entire month of a December I used roughly 17 to 18 GB of data on the heavy days and those were days I was home almost the entire day and watched sports all day. Something isn’t adding from perspective.


Hi @Syruws.jason,

We escalated your tech visit issue to the responsible team, and we hope to have some news soon.

On this data usage issue, we can, if you give us permission, take a detailed look at your data usage and give you a full analysis of that, including services or devices that could be responsible for the issue you mentioned.

Can we proceed?

Thank you,


Thank you for escalating the technician.

Yeas, I’m fine with you all looking at the data usage.

The day that I noticed usage that didn’t make sense was on January 2nd.

Thank you

Hi Avner and Nathalia,

A Viasat tech named Justin called me today. He mentioned that he had to do some type of upgrade or update to my equipment. The work was able to be done remotely, and that’s why he didn’t show up.

That also explains why my internet data for thr month was chewed through, but I am curious if my equipment wasn’t up to date and causing the inefficiencies since the service was installed which seems to be the case from my perspective because I’ve been communicating with Nathalia for a while about speeds then that data usage shouldn’t have gone against my monthly limit?


Hi @Syruws.jason,

Indeed, since you are a new customer and seem to be facing these issues from the beginning of your installation it’s likely that this software version issue was the cause for your problems from the start.

Were you able to reproduce better speeds after the update?

I ran a speed test from your modem and I got this result:

Thank you,

Yes, I have been getting better speeds post the update.

My question/statement however is ( I don’t know that i waS clear with what I’m asking. If I was, I apologize. I’m not intending to be rude): I don’t think that the data needed/used to get my equipment corrected should have come out of my data limits for the month. I feel that the equipment should have arrived operational and up to date from the beginning (I understand updates are required; however, 70% of my monthly data was utilized). Will you all give me that data back or increase my limit because the limit was not ready to operate at appropriate speeds when delivered?


Hi @Syruws.jason,

I’m sorry, I didn’t understand your request in the first message, thank you for clarifying it.

I’ll investigate the usage and escalate it to the proper team and let you know what we can do for you once I get their reply!

Thank you,

Hi @Syruws.jason,

I just ran an analysis on your data usage, I’ll send you my conclusions in a private message.

Thank you,