Data usage 7 days 19g!

Viasat— I am increasingly frustrated with customer service and the lack of actual support. I have service on our second home. The location is very remote and not serviced by traditional internet providers and no cell service. We’ve used viasat for 7 years. We don’t do much other than read emails, news, wifi calling, some candy crush, facebook, and occasionally stream music. Less often we stream a movie or sporting event. We don’t have smart home devices connected.

Wednesday 3/13 we had no service. According to the rep we had an outage. Curiously this affected the app too which showed we had no data plan, no data available with the 14th as our reset day. All of which was incorrect. The rep assured me it would be corrected when the outage was over. And yet we somehow used 4.7g that day. How?

Now 2 days later I see that we have used 19g of data! Today 3.7g and we were not even here for most of the day! How can this be? What accounts for such a data suck? Viasat Shield app is not compatible with my equipment apparently.

We limped along with a low data plan for many years (10g) and rarely experienced overages. What has changed?!

Frustrated in the Forest!

Hi @Lnocita

I completely understand your frustation.

The MyViasat app doesn’t always provide the best insight into the data consumption (and sometimes it aggregates data used for a couple of days instead of a day-to-day live report), so with your permission, we can take a look at your complete usage to check what’s been going on.

Let me know if you agree to that solution, and I can send you a detailed report over private message. :slight_smile:

By the way – if you use any kind of external router, then Viasat Shield will not work.

If you use one, you can unplug the Router, wait a few hours, and then Shield will be able to check your usage and devices.

Let me know if you agree to that solution, and I can send you a detailed report over private message. :slight_smile:

I agree!

Hi @Lnocita

Understood :wink:

I’ve just finished your report and will be sending it to you via private message in a few minutes.

Hi again @Lnocita !

Did you receive the report yesterday? :slight_smile:

If there is any info you don’t recognize/understand, please let us know.
