Wifi turned off .Why is data still being used?

Can I get an answer for data use when wifi turned off?

Hi @waller.robbie,

Thanks for posting.

Do you mean that you have noticed that your data is being used even when your internet as a whole is off? If you could provide more details, that could point us in the right direction for troubleshooting.

Finally, is it ok if we take a look at your data usage in order to see if we find anything irregular?



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Okay. Yes totally off yesterday and still shows data used.
Wasn’t at home and showed data use with wifi turned off.

Hi @waller.robbie ,

I’ve sent you detailed information on your usage via direct message.


Phone off and modem completely unplugged from the wall. How can data still being used?

Hi, @waller.robbie,

From what I can see, it looks like your terminal has been offline since 25th Jan. Do you still have the equipment turned off?

There was no usage during this period. Please let us know if you have any issues with the equipment.


Hi, @waller.robbie,

We’re still seeing your terminal offline. Please let us know if you need any assistance with that.