Viasat Internet Getting Slower

Tested my speed again this morning because my wife was complaining how slow it was last night and though the modem it tested the Download speed at 19.1 MBPS and the up load speed was .04 MBPS. I’m paying almost $200.00 dollars for this? Not for long if it does not Speed Up Soon. Also called Viasat Tech Support “David” at 6:00am Sept/6/23 and that guy lied to me he didn’t know I had the Viasat App that I tested my modem myself and those are the speeds I got. 19.1 MB Download and 0.4 MD Up-load. He told me I’m right in the speed were I’m suppose to be which is a lie. If this is the speed for $180.00 dollars a month which will go up in 2 months, I will quit.

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Hi @kidkaz ,

Could you please share the results of an advanced speed check with us? The advanced speed check shows modem speeds as well as the device’s, and that provides us with more information to investigate. Here’s an article with detailed instructions on how to run it: How to run a speed test from my modem?
