Trying to secure Viasat Wifi with 3rd party router

Hello, My Viasat internet was running slow, so I called tech support, and they told me to unplug the gateway. In doing so the wifi went from requiring a password to not requiring one. I already tried changing the settings using the admin account but the admin password provided on the back of gateway is incorrect. In order to make this secure I was planning on buying a 3rd party router and pugging it up to the gateway. That way I can go into the router and setup a password to make my internet secure again. What 3rd party router is recommended to be used in combination with the Viasat Wifi gateway? I am not sure whether the wifi currently is 2.4 or 5 gghz either. Before there were two different wifi options: 2.4 and 5 gghz. Now the only wifi popping up say “[redacted]”.

Hi @jeremy8

I replied to you on your first topic : Securing Viasat Wifi

I’ll close this one, as it’s a duplicate. :slight_smile: