Slow Internet and can't work

Well I’m only running one tv and nothing else, so I guess I’m just stuck with the poor connection

I understand your frustration.

Our engineers are already aware of this situation and are working on a long-term solution,
we changed your network config so you always stay in the less congested area, so this problem affects you the least possible.

We understand this is not an ideal situation, but we appreciate your understanding on this matter.

Thank you,

So does that configuration affect my streaming service areas for TV as I am always having location issues to respond to?

Hi @gina.smith729,

Not really, it shouldn’t interfere with that.

Essentially the satellite coverage is distributed in service areas that have specific locations, and within each of these areas are other divisions, each customer is allocated in one of these divisions, and it changes frequently.

We just configured it so you always stay in the less congested division, it shouldn’t have any relation with location issues since it’s still in the service area you are located at.

Thank you,

So I know it’s a rainy/cloudy day but would expect better results than this :frowning:

Viasat Speed Check _ Home 12 27 23.pdf (266 KB)

Hi @gina.smith729,

I’m sorry for this bad experience.

Indeed I could check on our system that your signal quality had a significant drop in the past couple of hours, I also see that your area has a very bad weather conditions since yesterday.

I couldn’t find any other reason for your bad speeds, it’s important to notice that the weather has a very big impact on satellite connections since the signal needs to travel from the satellite to your house, and bad weather could make your signal to fluctuate or for it to be offline for some time.

It’s also important to notice that once the weather clears out your connectivity should get back to normal. I ran a couple of speed tests from your modem and I see good results right now:

Could you please keep running a few tests during the next hours? Let’s investigate how your network behaves during the day and if the only thing affecting it is indeed the bad weather.

Thank you,

At 2:20pm

Viasat Speed Check _ Home 12 27 220pm.pdf (266 KB)

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And at 3:49pm

Viasat Speed Check _ 12 27 23 3 49pm.pdf (284 KB)

Hi @gina.smith729,

Thank you for sharing those tests, I’m investigating the possible issues, but I can still see a bad weather alert on my system.

Please keep running those tests during the next few days.

Thank you,

The skies are actually better today, sun is shining but a few clouds :blush:

Viasat Speed Check _12 28 23 209pm.pdf (285 KB)

Hi @gina.smith729,

That’s great! It seems like your speeds have improved again!

We can still keep track of it but it indeed seems like a weather issue, I know it’s not the best but unfortunetly that’s the nature of the service, but as you saw, as the weather clears out your speeds should get back to normal!

I’m happy to see the improvement, please let us know at any moment if there’s anything we can do for you.

Thank you,

Well they had improved but…. :frowning:

Viasat Speed Check _ 12 28 23 335pm.pdf (266 KB)

Hi, @gina.smith729,

We just tried another change in your network. Let us know if you see any improvements.

Thanks, and happy new year :grinning:

Thank you I will give it a try and let you know.

Happy New Year!!

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Good Afternoon, you haven’t heard from me in awhile :blush:

So things were good for a while and now today I can’t download a pdf document. Was horrible yesterday (with sun shining) and now again today :frowning:

Viasat Speed Check 02 12 24.pdf (181 KB)

Hi, @gina.smith729,

Thanks for the message. I’m checking that now

My connectivity keeps going in and out as well

Hi, @gina.smith729,

I see that the speeds were up and down, and that the last test you did the speeds were better. You might have experienced a connection loss because we were checking the terminal.

How is the connection now?

It was coming in and out yesterday too.

Unfortunately I am not home currently, sorry

Hi again @gina.smith729

I see that the last test you ran on January 12 shows much better speeds :partying_face:

How has your connection been since then?