Over charging me

I would love to know why your company took a random $38.60 out of my bank account today when i was charged $101.00 plus change at the end of the month. I didnt buy any extra data. As a matter of fact im really disappointed cause im already almost out of data and the month still has 2 weeks left to it and all i use it fo is streaming tv shows.
Dana Westervelt

Hi, @chaoticmayhem69,

Unfortunately, we can’t deal with billing issues here in the forum. For that, please call the customer care line at 855-463-9333.

We can help with the excessive usage issue. If you give us permission, we can look into your usage details and check if there is anything wrong. If you agree with that, I’ll send all the details in a private message.


Yea I agree to that…unless it’s gonna cost something so more unauthorized money comes out of my account.

Hi @chaoticmayhem69

The data usage report is free :slight_smile:

I will run the report and send the details soon via private message!

Hi, @chaoticmayhem69,

Did you see the direct message Nathalia sent you (with the usage details and the recommendation to signup for the Data Saver feature)?

Let us know if that helps.


Thank doesn’t answer my question of why $30+ was taken out of my account. I want it refunded to my account or I’m going to report your company. I’m about to tell my bank not to allow your company to deduct anything else from my bank account. This is ridiculous and very illegal.

How do I contact someone that can help me with billing? All of this stuff on this forum hasn’t helped me at all. All it has done is waste more of my time

Hi @chaoticmayhem69

Here on the Forum, we focus on solving technical issues.

Whenever you have time, please call Customer Care for Residential Customers at 855-463-9333, and ask to speak with the Billing team.

Thank you!