Install key for satellite

Hi, @David_Smith,

I created this new topic for better keeping track of your messages.

I could not find your account details. I’ll send you a direct message so you can provide your account number.


Hi, @David_Smith,

Thanks for confirming your account number.

I noticed that you had a lot of offline events, and maybe the antenna alignment has not a part in that. We’re investigating that and hopefully will have more details soon.

Are you experiencing bad speeds and losing connection?

Hi, @David_Smith,

We think there are some issues with the cabling.

I requested a tech visit for you. The field team will get in contact to provide more details.

In the meantime, if you want to try to verify the cabling by yourself, I’ll send you in a DM some instructions for that.


Hi, @David_Smith,

I see that the visit was completed yesterday. Let us know if things are better now.


Hi, @David_Smith,

I checked again your system and everything seems to be working fine. I’m closing this topic just for the sake of organization here in the forum.

If you need anything else please feel free to report a new issue.
