Has my speed been slowed down

I feel like my download speed is much slower than when I got Viasat. I ran the diagnostic but the numbers mean nothing to me. Has the been a slowdown for customers to get us to subscribe to higher speeds?

Hi @ladnarnosliw

I can see that you ran two tests yesterday:

Your plan is set to a max download speed of 50 Mbps and a max upload speed of 3 Mbps, and both of those results show much higher numbers.

Do you have many devices on Wi-Fi or is it just this one that has been having a slower experience? Do you also experience a sluggish connection at only specific periods of the day or all day long?

Just my cell phone has Wi-Fi. But I’m not using it when I am on my PC. I really haven’t noticed any particular times at this happens, but I am often on my computer more in the afternoon and evening than any other time. The reason I bring up is that it seems to be slower than it was a month ago.

Hi @ladnarnosliw

I’ve sent you a private message about some account-related information :slight_smile:

I noticed also that your modem has been suffering offline events this week, have you experienced any connection drops?

It went off during a thunderstorm

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Hi @ladnarnosliw

Thanks for the confirmation.

Also, did you happen to reboot the modem on February 9, around evening?

It looks like February 10 had the worst weather around your area, but February 9 is when half of the offline events occurred.

By the way,

When did you first experience these slower speeds?
Was it in the week of Feb 9th?

You mentioned that your phone is the only one on Wi-Fi, is this device where you noticed the bad speeds?

Hi @ladnarnosliw

I can see that your offline events started to increase from February 4 onwards, and your signal quality has been dropping now and again as well.

Could you check for us if there might be anything blocking the antenna’s line of sight?

Also, do you recall if the bad weather event moved the satellite dish or the antenna around?

There are no trees or buildings to block the line of site and yes, we had some heavy winds a few times, but I don’t know if they were strong enough to low it of its mark.

Hi @ladnarnosliw

We were able to confirm that your antenna is mispointed, and this may be the cause of the slow speeds for the last few weeks.

Are you able to do the self-repoint process?
This is the guide for it: Can I repoint my Viasat antenna on my own?

If a self-repoint is not possible, I can request a technician visit for you :slight_smile:

Please arrange for a technician. I’m 74 years old and 310 pounds and I’m not comfortable climbing on a roof.

Hi again @ladnarnosliw

I’ve requested a service call for your antenna.
The Field Operations team will call you at a later date to schedule this visit with you.

If you need any assistance in the meantime, let us know! :slight_smile:


Hi @ladnarnosliw

The Field team has tried a couple of times to reach you on the phone number associated with your account to schedule this visit.

Can you confirm if it’s the correct number?
If there’s another phone you’d rather they call instead, please let us know :wink:


I see that you’ve managed to schedule the tech visit for February 21, please disregard the previous message. :smiley:

We’ll keep an eye on your service call and check back after it’s completed!

Hi again @ladnarnosliw

I see that your service call was completed successfully today!
How has your connection been since then?

Good, at least for now

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Hi @ladnarnosliw,

I’m glad to know your internet connection has improved!

If you need any further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us again.