Got speeds no internet

Hi, I’ve been on the phone with customer service and have a tech appointment. Now that I’ve got that outta the way. Here’s my issue… I currently have down speeds of about 10 mbps. Which isn’t great but that’s the theme around here. But why am I not getting any internet?

Hi @Mel ,

We are sorry for the situation with your internet. When you say you are not getting any internet, do you mean it is fully disconnected?


Hi @Mel

I see that your service call was completed successfully! :tada:

How has your connection been since then?

“Successfully” lmao. Nah I still have terrible speeds. He came out and played w the dish then left, what are you even talking about?

2 hours after you posted this and my current speeds are about a 5mbps. Paying for 30-100 which only occur at 2am. Will be dumping this company soon.

Hi @Mel

Please keep in mind that the terms for “Unleashed” state that the Plan’s download speeds are “up to 25 – 100 Mbps,” are not guaranteed and will vary.

Regardless – when you run a simple speed test, the results show come only from the device used on the test. For that reason, could you please run for us a few advanced speedchecks, so we can cross-check the speeds between your device and modem?

It’s possible that there is a Wi-Fi or distance issue going on, hindering your devices from getting the same speeds as your modem.

You can follow our guide available here: How to run a complete speed diagnosis?

PS: the modem speed test is currently not compatible with iPhones.
If you don’t have an Android mobile device, please run the test on a computer.


With all due respect, I canceled my plan w Viasat this morning.