Fix my service or I will be terminating my contract

I am paying close to $200 for my Internet service and being that I work from home I absolutely have to have Internet. There was a small rain storm that passed through my area and the wifi stopped working completely. I am extremely disappointed with this service and can’t understand how this service is so expensive and how terrible the service is. I am going to change providers if this does not get resolved! Enough is enough stop giving me the run around fix my service to working. Now! There is no reason to pay a company this much money and the service be this incompetent. I don’t have time to keep calling you up to fix my damn service that I pay a large chunk for.

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Hi @Kpeterson,

Sorry about this experience.

I can see that last night around 8pm EST there was a weather event that caused your modem to be offline for about 30 mins. Unfortunately, the signal quality that your antenna receives can temporarily degrade with weather events such as rain, snow, and wind.

I just ran a test from your modem and can see good speeds at the moment. Has the experience improved for you since last night?



This is just ridiculous why am I paying close to $200 to not be able to stream anything. This is just terrible I want a refund for the month.

Hi @Kpeterson,

I just noticed that you reached your priority data limit yesterday, as of now your usage for this billing cycle is at 114 GB/ 100 GB. Once you reach your priority data limit your account switches to standard data, which is most impacted by congestion and thus results in slower speeds during the peak busy period (evening hours).

Considering that you are a new customer and that you used all your priority data unintentionally within 9 days, I added 60 GB of extra priority data to your account. This is free of charge, I added a credit to your account for it - so please ignore any email you receive saying that you purchased this data.

Now, given that you used a lot of data in a short time period. Do you mind if I take a look at your usage data to identify any abnormal usage and make a recommendation?



Yes please review as I do not understand how streaming can use all that data.

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Hi @Kpeterson,

I took a look at your usage, your top apps are YouTube, Netflix, and Max (all video streaming platforms):

I noticed that these are using 2GB per hour on average and up to 6 GB per hour at certain times. If you multiply this by the number of video streaming hours, then you can see how it easily adds up. I see that only on Saturday August 26 you used about 40 GBs. If you are interested in seeing the full graphs please let me know.

I think you could greatly benefit from the new Data Saver feature that our forum team is testing. You can find more information about it here: Announcing the Data Saver Feature Experiment!

